Zechariah Agamati

Zechariah Agamati

Rabbi Zecharia Agamati ( _he. רב זכריה אגמתי) was a Rabbi and talmudist who lived from 1120 CE - 1195 CE in Morroco.


R. Zechariah's major contribution was the "Sefer Ha-Ner," a supercommentary on the "Halachot" of the RIF. The work is extremely significant from a historical perspective as it is the first known compilation work on the Talmud. This "Shita Mekubetzet" genre grew in the 12th and 13th century and reached a pinnacle of popularity in the 15th century. His sources are almost all Sefardic and include: R. Hananel, R. Barukh ha-Sefardi, R. Yitzhack ibn Gayat, Ri Migash, Rambam, "Perush ha-Mishnayot," Rashi, and Rav Hai and the Geonim. The quotes are all in the original, either Hebrew or Arabic, and R. Zechria’s own comments are also in Arabic.

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