Synod of the Trinity

Synod of the Trinity

Synod of the Trinity is an upper judicatory of the Presbyterian Church (USA) headquartered in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. The synod oversees sixteen presbyteries covering all of Pennsylvania, most of West Virginia, and a portion of eastern Ohio.


The Presbyterian church has its roots in the territory of the Synod of the Trinity, which was founded as the Synod of Philadelphia in 1717. After the Presbytery of New Brunswick was expelled from the synod in 1741 during a major division in the church, Jonathan Dickinson left the synod in 1745 to form the Synod of New York. An advocate of the Great Awakening, Dickinson founded a seminary that later became Princeton University. [ [ Jonathan Dickinson, Princeton] ] By 1851, the synod was "one of the largest and most influential Synods in the Presbyterian Church, embracing the entire States of Delaware, Maryland, and the greater part of the State of Pennsylvania." [ [ "Philadelphia", The New York Times, 27 October 1851] ] By 1881, the synod consisted of nineteen Pennsylvania counties, the City of Philadelphia, and a portion of western Africa. [ [ Synod of Philadelphia, The New York Times, 17 October 1881] ] In 1882, the Synod of Pennsylvania was born. When the General Assembly decided in 1973 to create regional judicatories, the Synod of Pennsylvania-West Virginia was formed. Finally, when church reunion occurred in 1983, presbyteries in a portion of eastern Ohio were joined to the synod and the name was changed to the Synod of the Trinity.

The [ Presbyterian Historical Society] shows 81 Presbyterian/Reformed historic sites registered within the bounds of the synod.

Presbyteries of the Synod of the Trinity

There are sixteen presbyteries in the synod. ( [ map] )
* [ Beaver-Butler]
* [ Carlisle]
* [ Donegal]
* [ Huntingdon]
* [ Kiskiminetas]
* [ Lackawanna]
* [ Lake Erie]
* [ Lehigh]
* [ Northumberland]
* [ Philadelphia]
* [ Pittsburgh]
* [ Redstone]
* [ Shenango]
* [ Upper Ohio Valley]
* [ Washington]
* [ West Virginia]

See also

* [ Synod website]
* [ History of the synod]
* [ 18th century synod history]
* Presbyterian polity


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