Tropico del nord (album)

Tropico del nord (album)

Infobox Album |
Name = Tropico del nord
Type = Album
Artist = Pooh

Released = 1983
Recorded = ?
Genre = Pop
Length = 44:47
Label = CGD
Producer =
Reviews =

Last album = "Palasport"
This album = "Tropico del nord"
Next album = "Aloha" (1984)

"Tropico del nord" is a 1983 album released by Pooh, a perennial Italian rock band, and the first ever album on CD by an Italian group, according to its liner notes. The songs found them reaching for a poppier sound, abandoning their earlier hard rock style, with disappointing results. While live they were still a strong draw at this point, the album didn't fare as well on the charts as previous releases.

Track listing

# Cara sconosciuta (Dear Unknown)
# Cosa dici di me (What do they say about me)
# Lettera da Berlino Est (Letter from East Berlin)
# Grandi speranze (Great Hopes)
# Passaporto per le stelle (Passport to the Stars)
# Solo voci (Only Voices)
# Mezzanotte per te (Midnight for You)
# È vero (It's True)
# Colazione a New York (Breakfast in New York)
# Tropico del Nord (Tropic of the North)


* [ "Tropico del nord" on the Italian Wikipedia]

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