

Senius was the son of Remus and legendary founder of Siena, Italy.

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  • senius — sẽnius sm. (2), sènius (2) žr. 2 senis: 1. Tlž, Dv Nėra to sẽniaus, jau numirė Lz. Tai eiste pas to sẽniaus? Krž. Tu, sẽniau, vežk man dukterį medin Rod. Ar toks sènius negalia dar dirbti? Skr. Aš dėkavoju tau, mans seniau LC1883,34.… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

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  • Unidades de medida en el Antiguo Egipto — Las unidades de medida en el Antiguo Egipto se utilizaron desde las primeras dinastías. Las había de longitud, superficie, volumen, peso y tiempo. Se han hallado muchos documentos de contabilidad en papiro, ya que los escribas tenían como tarea… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Lupa senese — Une des deux louves siennoises devant la cathédrale. La louve siennoise dans une des rue …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Siena — Infobox CityIT official name = Comune di Siena img coa = Siena Stemma.png img coa small = image caption = region = RegioneIT|sigla=TOS province = ProvinciaIT (short form)|sigla=SI (SI) mayor = Maurizio Cenni (since May 13, 2005) mayor party =… …   Wikipedia

  • Cosmic Boy — Part of the cover art for Legion of Super Heroes vol. 5, #9 (October 2005). Art by Barry Kitson. Publication information …   Wikipedia

  • Contrade of Siena — A contrada (plural: contrade) is a district, or a ward, within an Italian city. The most well known contrade are probably the 17 contrade of Siena that race in the Palio di Siena. Each is named after an animal or symbol and each with its own long …   Wikipedia

  • The Record of Singing — is the most important compilation of singing from the first half of the 20th century, the era of the 78 rpm record.It was published by EMI, successor to the British company His Master s Voice (better known as HMV), the leading organization in the …   Wikipedia

  • Palestrina (opera) — Palestrina is an opera (called by him a Musikalische Legende ) by the German composer Hans Pfitzner. The libretto, written by Pfitzner himself, is based on a legend about the Renaissance composer Giovanni Palestrina. The theme is of how he saved… …   Wikipedia

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