- Tatakoto
Tatakoto is an
atoll in theTuamotu group inFrench Polynesia .Tatakoto is one of the more isolated atolls of the Tuamotus. It situated in the east of the archipelago, 1,182 km from
Tahiti . This atoll is 14 km long and 3.5 km wide. It has one large island and 65 islets separated by numerous channels on the reef surrounding the lagoon. The islands are mostly located on its windward side (south). All the islands are flat, not much higher than the ocean level.The main settlement is Tumukuru, and the total population was 255 in the 2002 census.
Tatakoto Atoll was sighted the same day by two Spaniards. In the second expedition of the "Águila", the two captains,
Domingo de Bonechea and José Andía y Varela, separated when leavingPeru and did not see each other until reaching Tahiti. OnOctober 29 1774 (the day of Saint Narcissus) the two disembarked on Tatakoto without meeting. They named the island "San Narciso". Historically the island was also known as "d'Augier".Chronicler José Andía described the atoll as "extremely agreeable to the eyes by being very populated by shrubs." At the beginning of the 20th century France established a colony and replanted the island with
coconut palms, which still cover the island.Tatakoto Airport was inaugurated in 1979.
Administratively Tatakoto Atoll has its own commune, which belongs to the
Îles Tuamotu-Gambier administrative subdivision ofFrench Polynesia .References
* [http://www.oceandots.com/pacific/tuamotu/tatakoto.htm]
* [http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatakoto ]
* [http://www.world-airport-codes.com/french-polynesia/tatakoto Tatakoto Airport (TKV)]External links
* [http://www.presidence.pf/sitedown.php Presidency of French Polynesia site]
* [http://www.pacific-image.pf/pages/boutic/dboutic_cdrom_sp132.html Atoll list (in French)]
* [http://www.evs-islands.com/2006_10_15_archive.html Maps]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.