Paul R. Bartrop

Paul R. Bartrop

Paul R. Bartrop (born 1955) lives in Melbourne and is a history instructor and writer, who has specialized in the study of the memorialization of the Holocaust.

He attended Melbourne's La Trobe University as an undergraduate in the early 1970s and graduated as a doctor at Monash University. Bartrop teaches history, comparative genocide studies and religion and society at Bialik College, Melbourne. He is a Holocaust and Genocide Studies Fellow at the School of Social and International Studies at Deakin University and has been a Scholar-in-Residence at the Martin-Springer Institute for Teaching the Holocaust and a Visiting Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University.

In addition to the publications below, he has published numerous scholarly articles in journals and books, as well as serving on the editorial committees of a number of Australian and international periodicals.

Bartrop has served as President of the Australian Association of Jewish Studies, and is an Honorary Life Member of the Jewish Museum of Australia.


* "Surviving the Camps: Unity in Adversity during the Holocaust" (Lanham, Md: University Press of America, 2000)
* "False Havens: The British Empire and the Holocaust" (Lanham, Md: University Press of America, 1995)
* "Australia and the Holocaust 1933-45" (Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 1994)

External links

* [ Australia and the Holocaust Index]

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