Transformers Autobots

Transformers Autobots

Transformers Autobots is a video game based on fictional alien robots, Transformers. This version follows the plot of the movie.


(In order of appearance)

*Create-A-Bot (voiced by Steven Jay Blum): The main character and the only Autobot with more than one alternate mode(*). He was given an upgrade by Wheeljack and usually helps most of the Autobots in missions- Ironhide, Jazz, Optimus and Bumblebee (He is actually never seen helping Ratchet). In a desperate bid to help Optimus and save him from the wrath of Megatron, in which he ultimately succeeds but dies in the process. He was the only Autobot whose death was confirmed in the game.

*Bumblebee (voiced by none): Bumblebee is some one who commonly speaks in Cybertronian, however, in "Driven To Distraction" When he is captured, he can be heard to say "Go...Now!" Bumblebee is only seen in two places in the game, Tranquility and Hoover Dam. Much to differ than the film, Bumblebee retains and doesn't change to an 08 Concept Camaro, even since this game has the scan feature. He is last seen driving into the sunset with Optimus and Ironhide, showing he actually did survive.

*Ironhide (voiced by Mark Ryan): He is the only Autobot with guns that both appeared in the film and is stuck there through the whole game. He is much different than in the film, for example, he has a southern accent and he believes Prime is just out to get Megatron. He first appears in the Arctic, even though he gives the tutorial during the first mission and alerts Create-A-Bot in the first level. He is seen at the end of the game driving into the sunset with Bumblebee and Prime.

*Jazz (voiced by Andrew Kishino): Jazz is the Autobot with a unique weapon: While all other weapons feature a "Staple" Sound, his features a "Fizz". He may be the smallest but he utilizes that via his maxed-out agility. In his first mission on Earth, he ends up squaring up to the largest Decepticon of them all- Blackout. He is seen last fighting Drones made by the Allspark. The question remains as to if he survived as he was not seen driving into the sunset with the three known survivors, he was possibly killed by the drones but it is unknown. Though it is likely only the Autobots that had a close relationship with create-a-bot was shown in the ending.

*Ratchet (voiced by Fred Tatasciore): He is the least seen of all the Autobots, only appearing 5 times in the entire game. He is seen around the other Autobots, although, curiously enough, he is never seen to be helped by Create-A-Bot. He is prominent in two missions: "Narrow Escape" and "Downtown Blackout". He is last seen destroying Blackout during the events of "Downtown Blackout". Like Jazz, it is still remaining of the question of his death but since it is unlikely unless Blackout shot Ratchet with his final moment, killed him and then died, but it is impossible since after Blackout falls Ratchet was talking to Bumblebee and in good condition.

*Optimus Prime (voiced by Peter Cullen): The first heard Transformer in the game, narrating the intro movie detailing the events of Tygar Pax. He seen giving instructions to Create-A-Bot. In all of his playable appearances, he fights three Decepticons- Barricade, Brawl and Megatron. Although him and Megatron have a deep relationship of hatred for each other, he is only ever seen with Megatron twice in the entire game. He eventually fights Megatron once he has defeated the Drones and takes over in place of Create-A-Bot in the fight against Megatron, eventually killing him (On a side note, he has a want to destroy Megatron, much different than in the film where he actually regrets killing Megatron) He ends the game by sending a transmission into space, directing the Autobots to Earth and drives into the sunset with Bumblebee and Ironhide.

(*)The alternate modes of Skydive and Hot Rod make appearances in the game, possibly a cameo. Also, the robot modes of the Skydive and several large vehicles, such as the SWAT van and the buses, have the robot modes which resemble two Decepticons from the movie toy line, Skydive-Dreadwing/Overcast and Large vehicles-Payload. The alternate mode of Dropkick makes several appearances as the Pickup truck and the Maintenance truck, which are two notable appearances.(*) All Create-a-bots in both this game and are voiced by Steven Jay Blum.

Vehicles in Transformers Autobots

*Armored Truck.
*Chopper (Obtained at the Arctic levels).
*Attack Copter (Inside the Hoover Dam hanger).
*Peace Van (On the edge of a cliff).
*Pickup Car.
*Moving Truck.
*School Bus.
*Longhorn (Earn 250 WiFi Tokens).
*Gunner (Earn 750 WiFi Tokens).
*Flame Truck.
*Ice Cream Truck.
*Recon Chopper (Receive a Lv.4 Wanted Level).
*Lightning Rider.
*Death Truck.
*Tricked Out Car (seen after defeating Blackout)
*Funky Bus (Connect to the AllSpark Wars for the 1st time).
*Maintenance (Beat the game).
*Hot Rodder.
*Stealth Chopper (Receive a Lv.4 wanted level at Hoover Dam).
*Safari Truck (Alongside the edge of a river).
*SWAT Van (near the police station in Tranquility).
*News Copter (next to the pool on the roof of the Eastern Casino).
*Raider (Located at the dock of Tranquility, surrounded by crates).
*Police Copter (Receive a Lv.2 Wanted level).
*Transport (Earn 1500 WiFi Tokens).
*Prison Bus.
*Skydive (Download at Target or earn 2500 WiFi tokens).

Casino Strip

The New Arrival

*Character: Create-A-Bot.

* The game starts off with a similar cinematic to the console versions, before ending and starting the game i.e. A radio link between yourself and Ironhide. Then the game teaches the basic controls to get to objectives. Then next, three Decepticon drones come to attack him then you must use the combat controls learned earlier, which then levels you up. Then he is sent to destroy a helicopter drone by shooting it, then, after scanning a vehicle form, he drives through objectives to finish the mission.

Put To The Test

*Character: Create-A-Bot.
*Boss: Decepticon Create-A-Bot.

*The mission begins with your character being summoned to kill three Decepticons, after which has been done. The generic Decepticon from Transformers Decepticons will come as a boss for this level. After defeating him, he will flee. Create-A-Bot will then be sent to Tranquility.

Tranquility (1st visit)

Protect The Locals

*Character: Create-A-Bot.

*Optimus sends Create-A-Bot to kill a drone in a minute, before having to transform and hide from the police. After losing them, he must kill two drones without destroying anything else, the mission ends.

Car Shopping

*Character: Create-A-Bot.
*Boss: Decepticon Drone.

*This is where an Autobot from the movie will appear, Bumblebee. He appears near a baseball field where he tells you, you can scan additional vehicles. Scanning the Notchback, then the pickup truck. While scanning a SUV, it transforms into a Decepticon and attacks him. After killing it, the mission ends.

Information Super Highway

*Character: Create-A-Bot.

*Bumblebee asks Create-A-Bot to scan some internet towers to find Sam Witwicky's house. Scanning the first two towers raises the alarm after the connection fails, the last tower finishes the mission.

Police Brutality

*Character: Bumblebee.
*Boss: Barricade.

* Optimus asks Bumblebee to proceed to head for the residential area to retrieve the glasses. Just as Bumblebee reached his destination, Barricade already reached the house and gives Bumblebee a wild goose chase. Despite Barricade using police roadblocks to stop Bumblebee, as well as a battle on the bridge, Barricade ends up defeaded & fled the scene.

The Arctic

Follow That Convoy

*Character: Create-A-Bot.

*Ironhide tells you to cover a military convoy, meaning you unlock a new type of vehicle... Helicopter. A quarter of the way through, a Decepticon shows up. The convoy usually shoots them itself, the mission ends when the convoy gets where its going.

Too Late

*Character: Ironhide.

*When the Decepticons start attacking Megatron's containment area, Ironhide covers three vehicles from six Decepticons. Afterwards, he heads through a cavern and realises Megatron is gone. He breaks through a door and goes down a hallway to steal a computer and kill six Decepticons in a minute, he runs out and meets Create-A-Bot.

Bad Reception

*Character: Create-A-Bot.

*Following the last mission, Ironhide attempts to contact Prime, but he's unsuccessful. So to boost the Signal, they head to the radio tower, seen at the start of the level. After helping him, the two transform and fight for nearly 2 minutes, then the mission ends.

Winter Showdown

*Character: Ironhide.
*Boss: Starscream.

*Starscream shows up to destroy the two Autobots, the fight starts with Starscream in Jet mode, then in robot. Throughout the fight, continuous drones show up. After defeating Starscream, he flies off (Presumably to Cybertron). Ironhide and Create-A-Bot fly to Tranquility.

Tranquility (2nd Visit)

Happy Landings

*Character: Bumblebee.

*This is the where the game starts to speed up, when the Autobots land on Earth. Bumblebee is sent to destroy twelve turrets, after which a scene similar to the movie, The Autobots Intro, occurs.

Know Thy Enemy

*Character: Jazz.
*Boss: Blackout.

*Prime sends Jazz to recover three vehicles from Sector 7. After recovering the Buggy and SUV, he is sent to recover a helicopter, who turns out to be Blackout. After defeating him, Jazz goes back to Prime, discovering the location of the Allspark.

Driven To Distraction

*Character: Bumblebee.

*Bumblebee is sent to antagonize Sector 7 at three separate locations. This is where a touch of movie story pops up, Bumblebee's capture. After which the five remaining Autobots discuss this, including Ironhide, who claims Prime is just "Out to get his brother!"

Hoover Dam

In Through The Back Door

*Character: Jazz.

*Jazz is sent to download Bumblebee and the Allspark's location by planting a virus on a tower, before heading to a nearby military hangar. Waiting for a minute and a half, he rendezvous with the other Autobots.

Prison Break

*Character: Create-A-Bot.

*Create-A-Bot is asked to destroy six satellite dishes, eight gun turrets and break into Hoover Dam. Succeeding, he frees Bumblebee, who knows where the Allspark is.

The Heist

*Character: Bumblebee.

*The Allspark is found as Bumblebee gets his weapons chip and retrieves it, then the Allspark. He has to destroy Energon Drones, after which he drives out to Prime.

Clearing The Road

*Character: Optimus Prime
*Boss: Barricade and Copter Drone

*Bumblebee has escaped the Dam and now is needing escorted to Tranquility and is having Prime take out Sector 7 blockades. When they reach the end, Barricade and a helicopter drone deal with the two. This is where Barricade dies and Megatron is freed.

Bombing Run

*Character: Ironhide.

*After Megatron was freed, bombs were planted along the Dam. Very quickly, Ironhide throws them in the water and him and Create-A-Bot leave for Tranquility.


*Character: Optimus Prime.
*Boss: Brawl.

*Optimus attempts to take a shortcut, but is stopped by Brawl. Shooting him half-to-death, he transforms, but he gets crushed to death by Prime.

Tranquility (3rd visit)

Narrow Escape

*Character: Bumblebee.

*Ratchet is waiting for Bumblebee and the Allspark, but Blackout is gunning for him. After shooting through wave after wave of explosive Notchbacks before he gets to Ratchet, who's waiting on roof top.

Downtown Blackout

*Character: Ratchet.
*Boss: Blackout.

*Blackout and Ratchet are on a further away building, where they start fighting. Blackout's modes go Helicopter, Robot then Helicopter. When Blackout dies, Ratchet is seen speaking to Bumblebee.

Fire Fighting

*Character: Create-A-Bot.

*Create-A-Bot is summoned to rescue Ironhide, Jazz and Bumblebee. Saving Ironhide from Decepticons, then Jazz from Energon drones and last covering Bumblebee to Prime.

End Game

*Character: Create-A-Bot, Optimus Prime.
*Boss: Megatron.

*Your onattempts to take the Allspark from Megatron, then ramming it into his chest (killing himself in the process). Prime then avenges him by dealing with the slightly damaged Megatron, ultimately killing him. The game then ends with a repeat of the movie, Prime looking out on the sunset and is sending out the transmission to all other Autobots.


The game takes place in four different locations, Casino Strip, Tranquility, The Arctic and Hoover Dam, however, the game itself has a unique level, not available on the console or PSP versions, the Arctic. The level consists of two separate military bases, a radio tower and a secret base where Megatron was originally kept, until being moved.


The game, in total, consists with 6 playable Autobots and 6 Decepticons to battle. The Autobots in this list will be side-by-side with bosses.

Create-A-Bot: Decepticon Create-A-Bot, Megatron.

Bumblebee: Barricade, Blackout (1 mission: Narrow Escape).

Ironhide: Starscream.

Jazz: Blackout.

Optimus Prime: Barricade, Brawl, Megatron.

Ratchet: Blackout.

*Note-After completing the game, all five Autobots become playable in any level.


It can be noted, throughout the game, serious scale inaccuracy appears. Noted scale inaccuracy is Ratchet and Ironhide are half the size of Prime and Ratchet is the same size as Bumblebee and Jazz and Ironhide is a small bit taller.

Other Transformers References

* In the "Bad Reception" mission, at the start of the mission, Create-A-Bot remarks "This bites!" and Ironhide responds "Bites? Are there Sharkticons in here?" before he is corrected. Once he is corrected, he remarks that Create-A-Bot has been hanging around with Bumblebee to much.

*Blackout references to things in his appearances. First, he claims Jazz is an Insecticon during "Know Thy Enemy" then, Bumblebee is on the run and Blackout shouts "I smell your fear, Autobot!" This phrase was spoken by Megatron in the film with the alteration of Human to Autobot and when Ratchet asks if Cybertrons destruction was not enough, he replies "It won't be enough until all the Autobots are melted into slag." Referring to the Dinobot or the "Cybertronian swear"

*It is known that Shockwave was set to appear but didn't, however many "speed designed" helicopters look like Shockwave and a robot which could be Shockwave appears with Barricade in "Clearing The Road"

Movie Differences

There are many differences to the film in this version, three are most noticeable:
*This version features a character that didn't actually appear, namely the generic Transformer, Create-A-Bot.

*One of the most glaring things in the game is the weapons; Ironhide's appear naturally while alternate modes and other Autobots feature weapons sticking out at the side or the front, restricting the Autobots to certain things- driving around but being shot at for the view of the weapons and the robot mode weapons cause the Autobots to have one hand missing.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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