Larentalia — Larentalĭa (Larentinalĭa), s. Acca Larentia … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Larentalia — Larentalia, Larentinalia o Accalia era una fiesta romana dedicada a Acca Larentia, esposa de Fáustulo y nodriza de Rómulo y Remo que se celebraba el 23 de diciembre, último día de los Saturnales (Macrobio, Saturnalia, I, 10), en el Velabro, cerca … Wikipedia Español
LARE — Larentalia … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
LAR — Larentalia, Lari, Laribus, Larinus, Larum … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
LARENPDIANIUNONR — Larentalia nefas piaculum Dianae Iunoni Reginae … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
Acca Larentia — (or Acca Laurentia) was a mythical woman, later goddess, in Roman mythology whose festival, the Larentalia, was celebrated on December 23.Mythological history, tradition 1In one mythological tradition (that of Licinius Macer, et al), she was the… … Wikipedia
Acca Larentia — mit Romulus und Remus (Fonte Gaia, Siena) Acca Larentia (auch Larenta oder Larentina) ist eine Göttin der römischen Frühzeit. Ihr Feiertag, die Larentalia, war der 23. Dezember. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dea Tacita — In Roman mythology, Dea Tacita ( the silent goddess ) was a goddess of the dead. In later times, she was equated with the earth goddess Larunda. In this guise, Dea Tacita was worshipped at a festival called Larentalia on December 23. Goddesses… … Wikipedia
Mercuralia — is a Roman celebration known also as the Festival of Mercury . Mercury was thought to be the god of merchants and commerce. On May 15 merchants would sprinkle their heads, their ships and merchandise, and their businesses with water taken from… … Wikipedia
Roman festivals — Roman holidays generally were celebrated to worship and celebrate a certain god or mythological occurrence, and consisted of religious observances, various festival traditions and usually a large feast. The most important festivals were the… … Wikipedia