Rewi Alley — Rewi Alley, 路易•艾黎, Lùyì Àilí, QSO, (2 December 1897 27 December 1987), was a New Zealand born writer, educator, social reformer, potter, and member of the Communist Party of China. Portrait of Rewi Alley by Deng Bangzhen. Located in CPAFFC… … Wikipedia
Rewi Alley — (chinesischer Name: 路易•艾黎 Lùyì Àilí, * 2. Dezember 1897 in Springfield, Canterbury; † 27. Dezember 1987 in Peking) war ein aus Neuseeland stammender Schriftsteller, Pädagoge und politischer Aktivist. Er war Mitglied der Kommunistischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ngāti Maniapoto — Iwi of New Zealand Rohe (location) Waikato Waitomo Waka (canoe) Tainui Population … Wikipedia
Ngati Maniapoto — Pei Te Hurinui Jones, um 1930 Ngāti Maniapoto ist ein iwi (Stamm) der Māori in der Region Waikato Waitomo auf der Nordinsel Neuseelands. Er ist Teil der Tainui Konföderation, deren Mitglieder ihre whakapapa (Genealogie) auf die Menschen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ngāti Maniapoto — Pei Te Hurinui Jones, um 1930 Ngāti Maniapoto ist ein iwi der Māori in der Region Waikato Waitomo auf der Nordinsel Neuseelands. Er ist Teil der Tainui Konföderation, deren Mitglieder ihre whakapapa (Genealogie) auf die Menschen zurückführen, die … Deutsch Wikipedia
Invasion of Waikato — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Invasion of Waikato partof=New Zealand Wars caption= date=17 July 1863 – April 1864 place=Waikato, New Zealand result=British victory. King Movement defeat and retreat into King Country; large scale land… … Wikipedia
Ngaati Paretekawa — (Paretekaawa) are a very numerous hapuu of the Maniapoto confederation in New Zealand whose tribal lands are now located in both the northern King Country town of Kihikihi, Waikeria, Kaawhia and south in the Mookau Ki Runga basin at the foothills … Wikipedia
Te Kooti's War — Infobox Military Conflict partof=New Zealand land wars date=1800 s place=New Zealand result=European Victory combatant1=UK European Settlers Maori combatant2=Maori from July 1868 until mid 1872. It was the longest and in some ways the ugliest and … Wikipedia
Māori King Movement — Te Arikinui of The Kīngitanga Monarchy … Wikipedia
New Zealand wars — New Zealand Land Wars Memorial in the Auckland War Memorial Museum for those who died, both European and Māori, in the New Zealand Wars. Kia mate toa can be translated as fight unto death or be strong in death , and is the motto of the … Wikipedia