- Hachisuka Muneteru
nihongo|Hachisuka Muneteru|蜂須賀宗英| (
May 23 ,1684 -March 24 ,1743 ) was a Japanesedaimyo of theEdo period , who ruled theTokushima Domain . His court title was "Awa no kami".
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
nihongo|Hachisuka Muneteru|蜂須賀宗英| (
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Tokushima Domain — The Nihongo|Tokushima Domain|徳島藩| Tokushima han was a Japanese domain of the Edo period, located in Awa Province and Awaji Province in Shikoku. Ruled by the Hachisuka family, it was rated at an income of 256,000 koku. Uncharacteristically for… … Wikipedia