

Saint Kentigerna (died 734), or Caintigern, was a daughter of Cellach Cualann, King of Leinster, and of Caintigern, daughter of Conaing Cuirre. Her feast is listed in the "Aberdeen Breviary" for 7 January.

Her husband is said to have been one Feriacus and Doherty identifies him with the Feradach grandson of Arthur who signed the "Cáin Adomnáin" at Birr in 697 and supposes that he was a king in Dál Riata.

Along with a brother named Congan and a son named Fillan, the widowed Caintigern is said to have lived as a hermit, first in Strath Fillan, then in the Lennox, on the island of Inchcailloch on Loch Lomond.


* Alan Orr Anderson, "Early Sources of Scottish History A.D 500–1286", volume 1. Reprinted with corrections. Paul Watkins, Stamford, 1990. ISBN 1-871615-03-8

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