

Buddhaguhya (fl. c700 CE [Hodge, Stephen (2003). "The Maha-Vairocana-Abhisambodhi Tantra: With Buddhaguhya's Commentary". Routledge. ISBN 070071183X. P.22 Refer: [http://books.google.com/books?id=q50zT8uExKgC&pg=PA22&lpg=PA22&dq=buddhaguhya+biography&source=web&ots=kpxZuwOOAa&sig=91knITfheu_H2iI6Nf0zFHxP5Nk] (accessed: October 30, 2007)] ) was a Vajrayana Buddhist scholar-monk. Vimalamitra was one of his students. Apart from his commentary on the Maha-Vairocana-Abhisambodhi Tantra, we know little of Buddhaguhya. [Hodge, Stephen (2003). "The Maha-Vairocana-Abhisambodhi Tantra: With Buddhaguhya's Commentary". Routledge. ISBN 070071183X. P.22 Refer: [http://books.google.com/books?id=q50zT8uExKgC&pg=PA22&lpg=PA22&dq=buddhaguhya+biography&source=web&ots=kpxZuwOOAa&sig=91knITfheu_H2iI6Nf0zFHxP5Nk] (accessed: October 30, 2007)] A major commentary by Buddhaguhya of the Mahavairocana Tantra was written in 760 and is preserved in Tibetan. Hodge translates it into English alongside the text itself. Buddhaguhya is held to have received teachings from Lilavajra.



* Hodge, Stephen (2003). "The Maha-Vairocana-Abhisambodhi Tantra: With Buddhaguhya's Commentary". Routledge. ISBN 070071183X. [http://books.google.com/books?id=q50zT8uExKgC&dq=buddhaguhya+biography] (accessed: October 30, 2007)

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