- Taius
Taius ("Taio, Tago, Tajo, Tajón, Tayon") (ca.
600 —ca.683 AD) was abishop of Zaragoza during the Visigothic period, from 651-664, succeeding his teacherSaint Braulius in this post. His surname was Samuel (Samuhel). [Léopold Delisle, "Inventaire des manuscripts de la Bibliothèque nationale: Fonds de Cluny" (H. Champion, 1884) (Digitized Aug 29, 2007) 111.]He was ordained as a priest in 632, and later served as an
abbot (the monastery where he served is unknown). [ [http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/t/taius_s.shtml TAIUS (Tago, Tajo, Tajón, T. Samuel) ] ]At the request of
Quiricus of Toledo andChindasuinth , Taius compiled a collection of extracts from the work ofGregory the Great in 653–654, when progress on the compilation was slowed by the revolt ofFroia and the invasion of theBasques . [Collins, "Visigothic Spain", 84.] He traveled to Rome, where he was sent to procure the part of Gregory's "Morales" missing in Spain. He received this work fromPope Martin I . He worked as a compiler of others’ works, and in a letter toEugene II of Toledo , he explained the plan of his writing and its relationship to Gregory’s model.During Froia's siege, Taius had been working at a revision of the "
Lex Visigothorum ", unable to leave the city.Taius wrote what has been regarded as a “poorly organized” [Joseph F. O'Callaghan, "A History of Medieval Spain" (Cornell University Press, 1975), 87] book called "Liber Sententiarum", which drew heavily upon the writings of Gregory.
He participated in the
Eighth Council of Toledo , theNinth Council of Toledo and theTenth Council of Toledo . [ [http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/t/taius_s.shtml TAIUS (Tago, Tajo, Tajón, T. Samuel) ] ]External links
*de icon [http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/t/taius_s.shtml TAIUS]
*Collins, Roger. "Visigothic Spain, 409–711". Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004. ISBN 0 631 18185 7.
*Garcia, Villada, Z. “Fragmentos inéditos de Tajón.” "RABM" 30 (1914), 23-31.
*Madoz, J. “Tajón de Zaragoza y su viaje a Roma.” "Mélanges Joseph de Ghellink" 1:345-60.
*Palacios Martín, A. “Tajón de Zaragoza y la ‘Explicatio in Cantica Canticorum.’” "AEF" 3 (1980) 115-27.
*Robles, L. “Tajón de Zaragoza, continuador de Isidoro.” "Saitabi" 21 (1971), 19-25.
*Serratosa, R. “Osio de Córdoba. Tajón de Zaragoza.” "Estudios" 19 (1951), 85-95.
*Vega, A.C. “Tajón de Zaragoza. Una obra inédita.” "CD" 155 (1943) 145-77.
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