Uyezd — El uyezd (ruso: уезд) era una entidad subnacional dentro del Imperio ruso. Originalmente designaba una subdivisión del Rus o más tarde del Principado de Moscú del siglo XIII. Un uyezd unía varios vólosts (Волость) alrededor de las ciudades más… … Wikipedia Español
uyezd — <rus.> bax qəza 2. <İsmayıl bəy:> Necə də qudurğan olmasınlar ki, tamam uyezd onların əlindədir. N. V.. Nəinki Naməlsəm məhəlləsində, bəlkə bütün kənddə, uyezddə dəxi bundan dövlətli, zəngin adam tapılmazdı. N. N … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
Kolsky Uyezd — For the modern district of Murmansk Oblast, see Kolsky District. 1745 map of Kolsky Uyezd Kolsky Uyezd (Russian: Кольский уезд) was an administrative division (an uyezd) of the Tsardom of Russia and later of the Russian Empire … Wikipedia
Alexandrovsky Uyezd — (Russian: Александровский уезд) was an administrative division (an uyezd) of Arkhangelsk Governorate of the Russian Empire and later of the Russian SFSR. The origins of Alexandrovsky Uyezd trace back to Kolsky Uyezd, which existed on this… … Wikipedia
Nakhchivansky Uyezd — (English) Нахичеванский уезд (Modern Russian) … Wikipedia
Nukhinsky Uyezd — (English) Нухинский уезд (Modern Russian) … Wikipedia
Ordubadsky Uyezd — (English) Ордубадский уезд (Modern Russian) C … Wikipedia
Kurdistan Uyezd — ( ru. Курдистанский уезд), also known colloquially as Red Kurdistan (from Kurdish Kurdistana Sor , Azerbaijani Qızıl Kürdistan , Russian Красный Курдистан Krasnyy Kurdistan ) was a Soviet administrative unit that existed for six years from 1923… … Wikipedia
Kurdistan Uyezd — Kurdistan rouge Le Kurdistan Uyezd (russe : Курдистанский уезд), couramment connu comme le Kurdistan rouge (également en kurde Kurdistana Sor, en azéri Qızıl Kürdistan, en russe Красный Курдистан Krasnyy Kurdistan) est une unité… … Wikipédia en Français
Osinsky Uyezd — (Russian: Осинский уезд) was an administrative unit of Perm Governorate, Russian Empire. It existed since 1781 to 1923. Center was city Osa. It was located in southwestern part of Perm Governorate, its area was 19,246 km². East and north of… … Wikipedia