Apocryphon — ( secret writing ), plural apocrypha , was a Greek term for a genre of Jewish and Early Christian writings that were meant to impart secret teachings or gnosis (knowledge) that could not be publicly taught. Such private instruction to the… … Wikipedia
Ezekiel — According to religious texts, Ezekiel (() is understood by Eastern Christianity as another prophesy of the Incarnation: the gate signifying the Virgin Mary and the prince referring to Jesus. This is one of the readings at Vespers on Great Feasts… … Wikipedia
EZEKIEL, APOCRYPHAL BOOKS OF — Josephus (Ant., 10:79) appears to refer to two books of Ezekiel, one of which was presumably an apocryphal work. Reference to such a work is also made in the stichometry of Nicephorus, patriarch of Constantinople (806–15), and the pseudo Athana… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
ИЕЗЕКИИЛЯ АПОКРИФ — утерянное ныне сочинение (или ряд сочинений), к рое представляло собой дополнение к канонической Иезекииля пророка книге или подражание ей. В наст. время известны лишь неск. цитат из текстов христ. писателей, а также ряд спорных кумран.… … Православная энциклопедия
List of Old Testament Pseudepigrapha — This is a list of pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, i.e. books in the style of the Hebrew Bible which are not accepted by Jews or all Christians today. Some of these works may have Christian authors, but books in this list are predominantly… … Wikipedia
List of Old Testament pseudepigrapha — Pseudepigrapha are works produced after the closing of the Hebrew bible canon but before production of the Christian canon that are not accepted as canonical by Jews or all Christians today. Some of these works may have Christian authors, but… … Wikipedia
Chester Beatty Papyri — For the medical papyrus, see Chester Beatty Medical Papyrus. P. Chester Beatty I, (P45) folio 13 14, containing portion of the Gospel of Luke … Wikipedia
Papyri Chester Beatty — Le papyrus Chester Beatty I, (P45) folio 13 14, contenant des morceaux de l Évangile selon Luc Sommaire 1 Origine … Wikipédia en Français
ЕПИФАНИЙ КИПРСКИЙ — [греч. ᾿Επιφάνιος ὁ τῆς Κύπρου; лат. Epiphanius Constantiensis in Cypro], свт. (пам. 12 мая) (ок. 315, сел. Бесандука, Палестина 12 мая 403), еп. г. Констанции (древний Саламин, ныне пригород Фамагусты, Кипр), отец и учитель Церкви, богослов… … Православная энциклопедия
biblical literature — Introduction four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha. The Old… … Universalium