

Camaná is a coastal town in the Arequipa Region in southern Peru. It is the capital of Camaná Province and Camaná District. With its sandy beaches, it was once a popular beach resort with local Peruvians visiting mostly from Arequipa during the summer months. It has a population of 14,337 (1999 estimate).

Arequipa's founder, Garcí Manuel de Carbajal, along with his Spanish delegation first passed through Camaná and settled here briefly, leaving inland for Arequipa to establish a much larger city-like place for the Spanish conquest in Southern Peru.

Camaná has yet to have many buildings and local businesses to be fully restored as a result of the 2001 southern Peru earthquake, which occurred on June 23, 2001 and caused great harm to local infrastructure and a downturn in tourist numbers.

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[ Photos Camana]

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