Euterpe precatoria

Euterpe precatoria

name = "Euterpe precatoria"
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Monocots
unranked_ordo = Commelinids
ordo = Arecales
familia = Arecaceae
genus = "Euterpe"
species = "E. precatoria"
binomial = "Euterpe precatoria"
binomial_authority = Mart.cite web |url= |title= "Euterpe precatoria"|accessdate=2007-10-26 |format= |work= Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families] |

"Euterpe precatoria" is a tall, slender-stemmed, pinnate-leaved palm native to Central and South America and Trinidad and Tobago. Stems are usually solitary (occasionally clustered), 3-20 metres tall and 4-23 centimetres in diameter.cite book |last=Henderson |first=Andrew |authorlink= Andrew Henderson |coauthors=Gloria Galeano; Rodrigo Bernal|title=Field Guide to the Palms of the Americas |year=1995 |publisher=Princeton University Press |location=Princeton, New Jersey| isbn= 0-691-08537-4 ] Two varieties are recognised: "E. precatoria" var. "precatoria"cite web |url= |title= "Euterpe precatoria" var. "precatoria"|accessdate=2007-10-26 |format= |work= Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families] which has tall, solitary stems and is found in Trinidad and throughout most of the South American portion of the range, and "E. precatoria" var. longivaginata (Mart.) A.J.Hend.cite web |url= |title= "Euterpe precatoria" var. "longivaginata"|accessdate=2007-10-26 |format= |work= Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families] which has shorter, solitary or clustered stems, and is found in Colombia and Central America.

Common names include mountain cabbage in Belize, açai in Brazil, asaí and palmiche in Colombia, wassaï in French Guiana, huasi in Peru and manaca in Venezuela. The stems are used for construction, a beverage is made from the fruit, and the roots are used medicinally.


Synonyms:;"E. precatoria" var. "precatoria";Heterotypic synonyms [Heterotypic synonyms are species names which are based on a different type individual]
* "Euterpe oleracea" Engel, nom. illeg.
* "Euterpe mollissima" Spruce, nom. illeg.
* "Euterpe jatapuensis" Barb.Rodr.
* "Euterpe stenophylla" Trail ex Burret
* "Euterpe langloisii" Burret
* "Euterpe petiolata" Burret
* "Euterpe subruminata" Burret
* "Euterpe confertiflora" L.H.Bailey

;"E. precatoria" var. "longivaginata";Homotypic synonyms [Homotypic synonyms are species names which are based on the same type individual]
* "Euterpe longivaginata" Mart.

;Heterotypic synonyms
* "Euterpe macrospadix" Oerst.
* "Euterpe karsteniana" Engel
* "Euterpe leucospadix" H.Wendl. ex Hemsl.
* "Plectis oweniana" O.F.Cook
* "Euterpe kalbreyeri" Burret
* "Euterpe microcarpa" Burret
* "Euterpe panamensis" Burret
* "Rooseveltia frankliniana" O.F.Cook
* "Euterpe rhodoxyla" Dugand


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