

name = "Ammannia"

image_caption = "Ammannia coccinea"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Myrtales
familia = Lythraceae
genus = "Ammannia"
genus_authority = L.

"Ammannia" [ [,5030 Jepson Manual Treatment] ] [ [ USDA Plants Profile] ] [ITIS|ID=27090] (alternate spelling "Ammania") is a genus of about 25 to 30 species of plants often referred to as redstems from wet areas in America, Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe. Several species are grown as decorative plants in aquariums.

The genus was named for Paul Ammann.

Selected species:
* "Ammannia auriculata" - eared redstem
* "Ammannia baccifera" - monarch redstem
* "Ammannia coccinea" - valley redstem, purple ammannia
* "Ammannia gracilis"
* "Ammannia latifolia" - pink redstem
* "Ammannia multiflora"
* "Ammannia robusta" - grand redstem, scarlet ammannia
* "Ammannia senegalensis" - red ammannia
* "Ammannia verticellata"


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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