- Paleo-Balkans
Paleo-Balkans refers to:
*Prehistoric Balkans
*Paleo-Balkan languages
* Paleo-Balkanic peoples
*Paleo-Balkanic mythology
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Paleo-Balkans refers to:
* Paleo-Balkanic peoples
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Paleo-Balkanic mythology — is a rubric that entails the gods and goddesses worshipped by the Dacians, Thracians, and Illyrians. Unfortunately, little is known about the mythology of the Iron Age Balkans in general. One notable cult that is attested from Thrace to Moesia… … Wikipedia
Paleo-Balkan mythology — The cult of the Thracian horseman spread over much of the Balkans during the Roman period. Paleo Balkan mythology includes the religious practices of the Dacians, Thracians, and Illyrians. Little is known about the rituals and mythology of the… … Wikipedia
Paléo-balkanique — Langues thraco illyriennes Les langues thraco illyriennes ou paléo balkaniques forment une hypothétique branche des langues indo européennes qui regrouperait un vaste ensemble de langues de l antiquité parlées dans les Balkans et ses régions… … Wikipédia en Français
Paleo-Balkan languages — The Paleo Balkan languages were the Indo European languages that were spoken in the Balkans in ancient times.Clarifyme|date=September 2008 With the exception of Greek and the language that gave rise to Albanian (see below), they are all extinct,… … Wikipedia
Prehistoric Balkans — is the period of human presence (including early hominins) before the appearance of Indo European people, which extended through prehistory, and ended when the first written records appeared between ca. 1500 and 6th century BC [Minoan,Mycenaean… … Wikipedia
Langues paléo-balkaniques — Langues thraco illyriennes Les langues thraco illyriennes ou paléo balkaniques forment une hypothétique branche des langues indo européennes qui regrouperait un vaste ensemble de langues de l antiquité parlées dans les Balkans et ses régions… … Wikipédia en Français
History of the Balkans — The Balkans is an area of southeastern Europe situated at a major crossroads between mainland Europe and the Near East. The distinct identity and fragmentation of the Balkans owes much to its common and often violent history and to its very… … Wikipedia
Languages of the Balkans — This is a list of languages spoken in the Balkans. With the exception of several Turkic languages, Hungarian, and Circassian, all of them belong to the Indo European family. A subset of these languages are notable for forming a well studied… … Wikipedia
Origin of the Albanians — Part of a series on Albanians … Wikipedia
Dacian language — Dacian Spoken in Romania, northern Bulgaria, eastern Serbia; also (possibly): Moldova, SW Ukraine, eastern Hungary, southern Bulgaria, northern Greece, European Turkey, NW Anatolia (Turkey) Extinct probably by the 6th century AD … Wikipedia