Gabriela Sánchez

Gabriela Sánchez

Gabriela Sánchez, better known as "Gaby", was a contestant on the Mexican reality show, Buscando a Timbiriche, La Nueva Banda. Gaby entered the reality show even though her father was comletely against it and did not support her until later on. She was later named as the fourth member to the band, alongside six other contestants. During the reality show she dated Alberto who was named the third member. As a contestant she was the first to obtain a perfect score.

Gaby is 20 years old and from Guadalajara, Jalisco. Gaby is the eldest female of the group and the second eldest in general. She was once a flag girl for a popular Mexican soccer team.

External links

* [ Gaby Sanchez Fansite]
* [ The Contestants of Buscando A Timbiriche, La Nueva Banda]
* []

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