- The Thin Green Line
"The Thin Green Line" is a documentary film, made by Australian
Park Ranger Sean Willmore . In 2004 Willmore travelled the world, across six continents and nineteen countries, interviewing and filming the lives and stories of park rangers, recounting their experiences and extreme difficulties.The film premiered simultaneously in 50 countries on
International Rangers Day , July 31 2007, to an audience of about 15,000 people in 330 locations world-wide, including many of the more remote locations featured in the documentary. Following this event, Californian State GovernorArnold Schwarzenegger was inspired to declare July 31California State Park Ranger Day ).The Thin Green Line is also the name of the
not for profit foundation set up by Sean Willmore in the wake of the documentary's success. The aim of the foundation is to support rangers on the frontline, including theInternational Ranger Dependency Fund which supports the families of committed rangers who have lost their lives, or rangers who have been severely injured in the line of duty.The Thin Green Line is also the title of a book in the series by Retired U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (
USFWS ) Agent Terry Grosz.References
*"The Australian Story: Walk on the Wild Side", introduced by
Bryce Courtenay ABC TV (Broadcast on 22 Oct 2007) [http://www.abc.net.au/austory/content/2007/s2067706.htm Transcript] Retrieved on 23 Oct 2007
* [http://www.iucn.org/en/news/archive/2007/10/13_thin_green_line.htm IUCN News] "Proceeds of environmental film help families of park rangers killed in action" 12 Oct 2007External links
* [http://www.thingreenline.info The Thin Green Line]
* [http://www.abc.net.au/austory/specials/wildside/default.htm Australian Story - A Walk on the Wild Side: Profile of Sean Willmore and The Thin Green Line]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.