Kansai Kannon Pilgrimage

Kansai Kannon Pilgrimage

The Kansai Kannon Pilgrimage or Saigoku Kannon Junrei (西国三十三霊場 "Saigoku Sanjūsan Reijō") is a pilgrimage of thirty-three Buddhist temples throughout the Kansai region of Japan, similar to but less notable than the famous Shikoku Pilgrimage. In addition to the official thirty-three, there are three extras (番外 "bangai"). The principal image in each temple is Kannon, the Goddess of Mercy; however, there is some variation among the images and the powers they possess.

It is traditional for pilgrims to wear white clothing and conical straw hats and to carry walking sticks. While the route was historically traveled by foot, today pilgrims usually use cars or trains. Pilgrims record their progress with a prayer book (納経帖 "Nōkyōchō"), which the temple staff mark with red stamps and Japanese calligraphy indicating the temple number, the temple name, and the specific name of the Kannon image. Pilgrims receive the stamps and calligraphy on wall scrolls and on their white coats as well.

The Thirty-Three Temples

External links

* [http://www.taleofgenji.org/saigoku_pilgrimage.html Pictures of all temples]

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