List of psychoanalytical theorists

List of psychoanalytical theorists

A few of the most influential psychoanalysts and theorists, philosophers and literary critics who were or are influenced by psychoanlaysis include:

* Nathan Ackerman - pioneer family therapist
* Alfred Adler- Proponent of individual psychology.
* Gerhard Adler
* Karl Abraham - Psychoanalyst.
* Nicholas Abraham - Psychoanalyst.
* Franz Alexander - Psychoanalyst.
* Lou Andreas-Salomé - Psychoanalyst.
* Jacob Arlow
* Michael Balint
* Lee Baxandall
* Ernest Becker
* Therese Benedek
* John Benjamin
* Eric Berne - Proponent of transactional therapy.
* Bruno Bettelheim
* Edward Bibring
* Wilfred Bion
* John Bowlby
* Charles Brenner
* Abraham A. Brill
* Norman O. Brown
* Ruth Mack Brunswick
* Cornelius Castoriadis
* Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel - French psychoanalyst.
* Nancy Chodorow
* David Cooper
* Helene Deutsch
* Françoise Dolto
* Kurt R. Eissler
* Max Eitingen
* Erik Erikson
* Bracha L. Ettinger
* Ronald Fairbairn
* Franklin Fearing
* Pierre Fédida
* Otto Fenichel
* Sandor Ferenczi
* J. C. Flugel
* S. H. Foulkes
* Anna Freud
* Sigmund Freud - Proponent of psychoanalysis.
* Erich Fromm - Social psychologist.
* Frieda Fromm-Reichmann
* Merton Gill
* Edward Glover
* Andre Green - Psychoanalyst.
* Ralph R. Greenson
* Felix Guattari- Philosopher.
* G. Stanley Hall - Psychologist.
* Heinz Hartmann - Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.
* Paula Heimann
* James Hollis
* Karen Horney- Psychoanalyst.
* Luce Irigaray - Philosopher.
* Susan Sutherland Isaacs
* Edith Jacobson
* Ernest Jones
* Carl Jung - Psychoanalyst.
* Herman Hesse - Writer.
* Karl Kerenyi
* Otto Kernberg
* Paulina Kernberg
* Herbert Marcuse - Philosopher.
* Melanie Klein
* Heinz Kohut
* Julia Kristeva - Philosopher.
* Jacques Lacan
* R. D. Laing
* Jean Laplanche
* Jonathan Lear
* Bertram D. Lewin
* Hans Loewald
* Rudolf Loewenstein
* Margaret Mahler
* Maud Mannoni
* Adolf Meyer
* Donald Meltzer
* Karl Menninger
* Stephen A. Mitchell
* Juan-David Nasio
* Robert Neimeyer
* Erich Neumann
* Sandor Rado
* Otto Rank
* David Rapaport
* Wilhelm Reich - Psychoanalyst.
* Theodor Reik
* Laurence A. Rickels
* Joan Riviere
* Geza Roheim
* Herbert Rosenfeld
* Jurgen Ruesch
* Harold F Searles
* Hanna Segal
* Roy Schafer
* Melitta Schmideberg
* Sabina Spielrein
* Rene Spitz
* Hyman Spotnitz
* Daniel N. Stern
* Robert J Stoller
* Harry Stack Sullivan
* Viktor Tausk
* Maria Torok
* Frances Tustin- Psychoanalyst.
* Vamik Volkan - Psychiatrist.
* Donald Winnicott- Psychoanalyst.
* Gregory Zilboorg
* Slavoj Žižek - Philosopher.

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