August Herman Pfund

August Herman Pfund

name = August Herman Pfund

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birth_date = birth date|1879|12|28|mf=y
birth_place = Madison, Wisconsin
death_date = death date and age|1949|1|4|1879|12|28|mf=y
death_place =
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nationality = USA
ethnicity =
field = Physics
work_institution =
alma_mater =
doctoral_advisor =
doctoral_students =
known_for = Pfund line
Pfund telescope
author_abbreviation_bot =
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August Herman Pfund (December 28, 1879 – January 4, 1949) was an American physicist and spectroscopist. He was born in Madison, Wisconsin. He discovered the hydrogen Pfund lines, where an electron jumps up from or drops down to the fifth fundamental level.

Pfund also invented the Pfund telescope configuration that bears his name.

References and Biography

* Dr. John Andraos, [ "Named Concepts in Chemistry (L-Z)"] , York University, 2001

* Pelletier, Paul A. (ed.), Prominent Scientists: An index to collective biographies, 2nd ed., Neal-Schuman Publishing, Inc.: New York, 1985 (citations only)

* Cattell, J.M.; Cattell, J. American Men of Science , 6th ed., The Science Press: New York, 1938

* Journal of the Optical Society of America, 39:4 (April, 1949) 325. Obit.

NAME= Pfund, August Herman
SHORT DESCRIPTION= American physicist, spectroscopy
DATE OF BIRTH= December 28, 1879
PLACE OF BIRTH= Madison, Wisconsin
DATE OF DEATH= January 4, 1949

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