Hue de Rotelande

Hue de Rotelande

Hue de Rotelande [Hugues de Rotelande, Huon de Rotelande, Hugues de Rutland, Hugh de Rutland, Hugh of Rutland.] was an important Cambro-Norman poet writing in Old French at the end of the 12th century. He was a cleric and a native of Rhuddlan. He wrote in Credenhill, Herefordshire. [William Calin, "The Exaltation and Underming of Romance: Ipomedon", in "The Legacy of Chrétien de Troyes", edited by Norris J. Lacy, Douglas Kelly, Keith Busby.] Gilbert de Monmouth Fitz Baderon, a grandson of Gilbert Fitz Richard, was his patron.

His works are "Ipomedon" and "Protheselaus", two long metrical romances [ [ §7. Sources and Subjects. XIII. Metrical Romances, 1200–1500. Vol. 1. From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. 1907–21 ] ] from the 1180s of over 10000 lines, in octosyllables. The names, at least, were from the mid-century "Le Roman de Thèbes"; the romances are set in Italy.

Several Middle English translations ("Ipomadon", cited as "Ippomedon" in Thomas Warton, "The History of English Poetry") were made [Jordi Sanchez-Marti,"Reconstructing the Audiences of the Middle English Versions of Ipomedon",Studies in Philology - Volume 103, Number 2, Spring 2006, pp. 153-177.]

A sixteenth century translation "The Life of Ipomydon" was made by Robert Copland and printed by Wynkyn de Worde. [ [;idno=Ipomydon online text] ] [Jordi Sánchez Martí, "Wynkyn De Worde's Editions Of Ipomydon: A Reassessment Of The Evidence", Neophilologus, Volume 89, Number 1, January, 2005.]


*Article "Hue de Rotelande" by Keith Busby, p. 461 in "Medieval France: An Encyclopedia", editor William Westcott Kibler
*Eugen K�lbing (1889), "Ipomedon, in drei Englischen Bearbeitungen"
*Franz Kluckow (1924), "Hue de Rotelande: Protheselaus"
*A. J. Holden (1979), "Ipomedon: po�me de Hue de Rotelande, fin du XIIe si�cle"
*A. J. Holden editor, "Protheselaus by Hue de Rotelande" Anglo-Norman Text Society
*Rhiannon Purdie, editor (2001), "Ipomadon"


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