Salonina Matidia

Salonina Matidia

Nervo-Trajanic Dynasty

caption=Salonina Matidia

Salonina Matidia (July 4 68-119) was a daughter and only child to Ulpia Marciana and wealthy praetor Gaius Saloninus Matidius Patruinus. Her maternal uncle was Roman Emperor Trajan. Trajan had no children and treated her like his daughter. Her father died in 78 and with her mother went to live with Trajan and his wife, Pompeia Plotina.

Matidia first married Lucius Vibius Sabinus, a man of consular rank. He died after 86. Their daughters were:
* Vibia Matidia or Matidia Minor
* Vibia Sabina, who married Roman Emperor HadrianMatidia was very fond of her second cousin Hadrian and allowed him to marry Vibia Sabina.

Her second husband was Lucius Scribonius Libo Rupilio Frugi or Bonus. Rupilio was a man of consular rank who descended from Roman Republican nobility. He was consul in 88 and died in 101. Their daughters were:
* Rupilia Faustina who married consul Marcus Annius Verus
* Rupilia Annia who married Lucius Fundanius Lamia Aelianus consul of 116

Matidia would often travel with her uncle and assist him in decision making. Like her mother, throughout the Roman Empire, Matidia was honored with monuments and inscriptions in her name.

On August 29 112, she received the title of Augusta. In 119 Matidia died, the Roman Emperor Hadrian delivered her funeral oration, deified her and granted her a temple and altar in Rome itself. [*/Templum_Matidiae.html]

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