- 1343 in Ireland
* Death of Muircheartach Ó Briain, king of
Thomond . Succeeded by his brother, Diarmaid, who is expelled by Brian Bán Ó Briain
* Toirdhealbhach Ó Conchobhair recovers kingship ofConnacht from Aodh mac Aodh B reifneach. Makes peace with Mac Diarmada
* King Niall Ó Domhnaill ofTir Conaill is deposed by his nephew Aonghus, with aid and support from O Baoighill, Ó Dochartaigh, the MacSweenys and Aodh Reamhar Ó Neill.
* Clann Mhuircheartaigh expelled fromBréifne by Ualgharg Ó Ruairc, O Conchobhair, and Tadgh Mág Ragnaill. Given refuge by King Aonghus of Tír Conaill in Tír Aodha (Tirhugh,County Donegal ).
*Clanricarde and de Berminghams invadeUí Maine
* MauriceEarl of Desmond occupies Imokilly (eastCounty Cork )
*May 19 Robert Savage appointedSeneschal ofUlster Births
* King Muircheartach of
*October 26 Conchobhar Mac Diarmada, lord ofMoylurg ; succeeded by his brother, FearghalReferences
*"The Annals of Ireland by Friar John Clyn", edited and translated with an Introduction, by Bernadette Williams, Four Courts Press, 2007. ISBN 978 1 84682 034 2, pp. 240-244.
*"A New History of Ireland VIII: A Chronology of Irish History to 1976", edited byT. W. Moody , F.X. Martin and F.J. Byrne. Oxford, 1982. ISBN 0 19 821744 7.
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