- Francis Hueffer
Francis Hueffer, born Franz Hüffer (
22 May 1845 ["Oxford Dictionary of National Biography"; "Baker's" gives a date of birth of23 May 1843 ] –19 January 1889 ), was a German-English writer on music,music critic , andlibrettist .Hueffer was born in
Münster , Germany, and studied modernphilology and music inLondon ,Paris ,Berlin , andLeipzig . He earned aPh.D. from theUniversity of Göttingen in 1869 for a critical edition of the works ofGuillem de Cabestant , a 12th-centurytroubadour .He moved to London in 1869 as a writer on music, and from 1878 worked as music critic for "
The Times ", succeedingJames William Davison . He wrote a number of books on music, especially on music history and biography, edited the "Great Musicians" series forNovello & Co , and translated the correspondence ofRichard Wagner andFranz Liszt to English. He also wrote the libretti for several Englishopera s: Alexander Mackenzie's "Colomba" and "The Troubadour", andFrederic Hymen Cowen 's "Sleeping Beauty".Hueffer's wife, Catherine (1850–1927), was the daughter of painter
Ford Madox Brown and Emma Hill. Their son,Ford Madox Ford , was a noted writer.elected writings
* "Richard Wagner and the Music of the Future" (1874) [http://books.google.com/books?id=-B45AAAAIAAJ (Google Books)]
* "The Troubadours: A History of Provençal Life and Literature in the Middle Ages" (1878) [http://books.google.com/books?id=I6UaAAAAMAAJ (Google Books)]
* "Musical Studies", a collection of his articles from "The Times" and "Fortnightly Review " (1880) [http://books.google.com/books?id=5y8DAAAAQAAJ (Google Books)]
* "Wagner", in the "Great Musicians" series (1881) [http://books.google.com/books?id=2ek5AAAAIAAJ (Google Books)]
* "Italian and Other Studies" (1883) [http://books.google.com/books?id=w6EIAAAAQAAJ (Google Books)]
* "Half a Century of Music in England" (1889; 2nd ed. 1898) [http://books.google.com/books?id=vx8DAAAAYAAJ (Google Books)]
* "Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt" (1889; as translator) (Project Gutenberg: [http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/3835 vol. 1] ; [http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/4234 vol. 2] )Notes
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