Antonio Puig

Antonio Puig

Antonio J. del Puig, Baron of La Roda (born 1960 in Cartagena, Spain) is a Spanish language writer. He belongs to the named "Generation of 90s" according to Miguel García Posada, "Spanish Poetry. The New Poetry" published by Crítica Press.

He graduated in Business Administration from the University of Murcia. He also attended British Literature at the Merton College of the University of Oxford. He received the "Gold Medal" by the University of Pisa, Italy, in 1993.

In 1994 he was honoured by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma of México, DF as Catedrático Extraordinario de Literatura Comparada, and by the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, Jalisco.

In 1997 he was awarded the Giorgio Anchiolli International Award of Poetry in Rome.

He translated for first time into Spanish to: Robert Frost; Bernard Spencer; Ann Finch, Countness of Whinchelsea; Leconte de Lisle; Guillem de Próixita; Alekshir Navoy; Giaomo Lubrano; Giambattista Marino; Georg Sternhielm; Miyoshi Yaysuji; Maruyama Kaoru; and the Sanskrit poets Bhartari, Dharmakirthi, Amaru and Sudraka.

His poetical idea consists of the verse like arrangement principle. He has investigated on Bibliography and History of the Art.

His poetry is hermetic and dark. The plasticity of the poem is another very important question for the poet. He studied ancient cultures and religions, and his verses let see some traces of ancient myths to write metaphores.His books have been translated into English; French; German; Italian; Russian; Polish; Ukranian; Greek and Turkish.


* "Del Amor y la Poesía", "(On Love and Poetry)", 1985, (poems)
* "Cantos a la Noche", "(Songs to Night)", 1987, (poems)
* "La Herencia de Mnemosyne", "(The Inheritance of Mnemosyne)", 1997, (poems)
* "Il Giardino d´Armida", "(The Garden of Armide)", 2003, (essays) "This book was written into Italian."
* "El Arte tipográfico en Cartagena", "(The Typographic Art in Cartagena)", 2004, (bibliography)
* "Theatro de Pasiones y Leyendas", "(Theatre of Passions and Legends)", 2006, (poems)
* "La Herida de Aristeo", "(The Wound of Aristeus)", 2007, (poems and translations)
* "Poetas de le Edad de Plata", "(Poets in the Silver Age)", 2007, (essays)
* "Historia de la Platería española", "(History of Spanish silversmiths)", 2007, (History of Art)

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