

Scenari is an OpenSource software suite that introduce a new methodology to edit and publish multimedia documents.

The author of a document on Scenari applications only have to fill and organize the content in the editor without thinking about its presentation for a particular output media. The document structure components, published layouts and styles are defined in a specific "document model" connected to the particular usage context.


The aim of Scenari is to create some "good practice" with document publishing and to address those requirements:
* The author can write the content only once, then republish in different file formats or with different presentation (HTML, SCORM export, / pdf, flash slideshow... as long as they have been planned in the document model).
* The author only need to maintain the original version (internally stored in XML to be able to republish if the document have to be updated.
* The author doesn't need to master each output technology or file format to produce high-quality and standard compliant documents.
* Authors are bound to the document model that define their freedom or obligations to keep the document well structured.
* Authors are bound to the corporate identity or presentation that has been integrated in the document model.


* SCENARIdiscovery : a standalone application packaged with 6 models to demonstrate how document authoring is done "the Scenari way" (partially translated into English).

* SCENARIchain: an authoring application that can be used to install and use document model.
* SCENARIbuilder: the application used to create new document models, it uses its own model definition language assisted by a modeling GUI. It's designed for users with a strong technical background, at least "power users".
* SCENARIserver: the server component that can handle document storage and publishing
* SCENARIclient: the client component that can handle editing remotely documents stored on a SCENARIserver.Each model can also be packaged in a standalone application (SCENARIapp).

The following operating systems are supported :
* Linux (glibc >= 2.5)
* Mac OS X (universal binary)
* Windows 2000, XP, Vista

Those applications are published under the following licences (you must agree with at least one licence) :
* CECILLBinary versions can be distributed with proprietary libraries (Java JRE, quicktime)


[] is currently one of the main Scenari model and is used in some French universities and by some international partners to produce academic training documents.

The following models are distributed as a part of SCENARIdiscovery (standalone versions might also exists):
* [ Resume]
* [ Report]
* [ SimpleSlideShow]
* [ ShowOrg]
* [ Iris]
* [ WebRadio]

External links

* [ Official website]
* [,299.html?lang=en Project description for the "trophées du libre" contest] (2007 finalist, in Company management and Education categories)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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