City and Hackney Mind

City and Hackney Mind

City and Hackney Mind is a Mental Health Charity, based in Hackney, London. It services both the City of London and the London Borough of Hackney.

Registered Charity No. 283329 - Limited Company No. 1589150

City and Hackney Mind is both the leading provider of voluntary sector mental health services in the City and Hackney, and one of the largest Local Mind Associations. They are a registered charity and rely on voluntary donations to enable them to deliver services.

They have over 60 employees and over 40 volunteers who work across four premises to provide services to the community.


Psychological Therapies & Wellbeing Services

  • The Counselling Programme
  • Counselling & Psychotherapy
  • Befriending Service
  • Carers Wellbeing Service
  • Welfare Rights & Advice

Education and Employment

  • Integrated IT and Basic Skills Training Programmes
  • Employment Service
  • E.S.O.L Training Programme
  • Employment Rehabilitation Service
  • Work Placements/Job Trials
  • Voluntary Work Placements
  • Book Club
  • Get Walking Keep Walking Therapy Group

Advocacy & Advice Department

  • Appropriate Adults Scheme
  • Advocacy Service

Housing & Community Services

  • Supported Housing - Alexandra Road and Whiston Road
  • Day Care Drop in for excluded groups - I.R.I.E Mind

Other Services

  • Vietnamese Mental Health Drop In Service
  • Service User Group Drop In


To challenge all forms of discrimination, including those based on gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, age, class, HIV/AIDS status, psychiatric diagnosis and involvement with or by psychiatric services.

To promote positive mental health and improve knowledge of mental health issues in the community

To promote good practice in mental health services and to be recognised within the community as a centre of excellence in the promotion and provision of such services.

To encourage and promote the participation of service users and ex-users in the planning, implementation and review of mental health services.

To develop alternative models of service based on individual needs.

To challenge the fear, intolerance and stigma associated with mental health difficulties and to campaign for additional resources to be committed to community care services.

To identify and highlight where there are gaps in services and to seek to ensure that services are developed to address those gaps.

To work in partnership with other organisations and individuals in planning and delivery of mental health services.

To provide a range of services that are user focussed, are of high quality and accessible and are constantly being evaluated for their effectiveness.

To promote good employment practice throughout the organisation and to be recognised as an employer of choice within the community.

To promote equal opportunities in service provision and employment.

External links