- Gustav Wyneken
Gustav Wyneken (
March 19 ,1875 –December 8 ,1964 ). Germaneducation al reformer, free thinker and charismatic leader. His ideas and practice on education and youth became highly influential but were also controversial.Early life
He was born to a Christian family, and studied
Theology andPhilology inBerlin . In 1900 he married Luise Margaretha Dammermann, from whom he was divorced in 1910. From 1900 to 1906 he worked as a teacher in boarding schools, where he was a colleague ofHermann Lietz .Jugendkultur and "Pädagogischer Eros"
Wyneken coined two influential terms:
The first term was "pedagogic eros", the name given to erotic attraction and/or love between a teacher and a pupil. Pedagogic eros (or "
Pädagogischer Eros " in German) was embodied as a set of concepts popularised by Wyneken'sWickersdorf Free School Community inGermany , and based around the Ancient GreekPlato nic 'Ladder of Beauty' model of same-sex pedagogic relationships, but blended with high Germanic philosophical ideas. Although focused on same-sex relationships, his ideas could also be applied toheterosexual ity. He led the wider Free School (orFreie Schulgemeinde in German) movement, a movement that foundedboarding school s across Germany.The second term was "
Jugendkultur "; this implied that wherever possible adults should refrain from overtly 'leading' youth groups, and older youths should instead lead younger youths. This was part of his deep influence on theGerman Youth Movement ; notably theJugendkulturbewegung , theWandervogel and the Adolf Brand's Gemeinschaft der Eigenen. Although it should be noted that he downplayed the then-popular notions of the need for a restoredVolk ish German culture, and was not known to be anti-semitic. His Free Schools accepted a large portion of Jewish pupils. In a sense, by coining and encouraging 'Jugendkultur' he was the founder of what would later become widely known as 'youth culture'.Wyneken also influenced
Jewish youth movements inPoland andVienna (such asHashomer Hatzair ), and had some influence on the earlyKibbutz education inIsrael . He also known to have influenced: the circle aroundStefan George ;Bruno Bettelheim ; andPier Paolo Pasolini 's school inCasara and his Pasolini's later teaching.Wyneken had himself been influenced by the thinking of
Martin Buber andHermann Lietz ; thinking that arises from the Hebrew educational tradition, in which a good education is founded on a teacher's love for his students.In the maelstrom of ideas and ideologies that was pre-war Germany, inevitably his strong ideas caused much controversy.
Wyneken and Walter Benjamin
The young
Walter Benjamin 's political aesthetics were greatly influenced by a stay (1905-1907) at a Wynekenboarding school (Haubinda in Thüringen) where he became close to Wyneken. He was also influenced by the Wyneken-edited radical youth journal "Der Anfang" ('The Beginning'). Here Benjamin found...:"... an elitist, aristocratic and fiercely intellectualist wing of the German youth movement ... Wyneken's ideal (was) of an elite and highly ethical Männerbund devoted to the ideals of
Kant ,Hegel ,Goethe andNietzsche ." (Rabinbach, 1985)However, when Gustav Wyneken gave a broadly pro-war speech in
Munich in November 1914, the pacifist Benjamin reluctantly broke with his mentor. Wyneken did, however, also urge that... "We must dare to keep a certain distance from the Fatherland and from the unthinking patriotism in which we have been educated."Wyneken after 1934
It is uncertain what Wyneken did in the thirty years between 1934 and his death in 1964, although it seems he stayed in Germany and tried to be involved with education. His prosecution for 'immorality' (he had allegedly embraced two pupils while naked) under the notorious anti-homosexual
Paragraph 175 in 1921 means that it is unlikely that he was involved with theNazi Party .Wider cultural influence
Wyneken's ideas on pedagogical eros, related through gay emigres to the USA, influenced the fiction and educationalist writings of Paul Goodman. He also influenced
Homer Lane who settled in England in 1912 to run the 'Little Commonwealth' school inDorset , and who became the mentor ofA.S. Neill Wyneken's ideas and influence allowed pedagogic eros to be treated in cultural productions such as the first ever feature-film on same-sex love, "
Madchen in Uniform " (Germany, 1931), based on the novel "The Child Manuela" byChrista Winsloe . Among many other cultural manifestations from this era in Germany are: Robert Walser's novel "Institute Benjamenta" (1908; English trans. 1995); andErich Ernst 's novel "Symphony of Eros" (1925).Colette 's novel "Claudine at School" (1957 in English) reflects some of the influence of German ideas on teaching traditions in French boarding schools.The theme has continued to be explored in literature and film; most recently in novels by David Cook ("Happy Endings", 1989);
Stephen Fry ; andAlan Hollinghurst ; in poetry and song lyrics byPauline Stainer ("The Flute Lesson"), Momus ("The Guitar Lesson"),Rufus Wainwright ("The Art Teacher"), and Sting ("Don't Stand So Close to Me ").For a fuller discussion & bibliography of the appearance of the theme in books and films; see: Jo Keroes's book "Tales Out of School: Gender, Longing and the Teacher in Fiction and Film" (Southern Illinois University Press, 1999); and for a discussion of U.S. classroom issues see: Regina Barreca and Deborah Morse's "The Erotics of Instruction" (1998).
List of works
* (1916) Wider den Altsprachlichen Schulunterricht
* (1918) Schule und Jugendkultur
* (1920) Der Kampf für die Jugend. Gesammelte Aufsätze
* (1921) Der europäische Geist. Gesammelte Aufsätze über Religion und Kunst
* (1921) Eros
* (1947) Weltanschauung (2nd edition)
* (1948) Musikalische Weltanschauung
* (1963) Abschied vom Christentum - Religion, Christentum, Bibel, Anfänge und anderesFurther reading
"Note: Much of the extensive German literature on pädagogischer eros and the German youth movements of 1900-1934 remains untranslated into English."
* John Alexander Williams. "Ecstasies of the Young: Sexuality, the Youth Movement, and Moral Panic in Germany on the Eve of the First World War". "Central European History", No.34, No.2 (2001).
* Thijs Maasen. "De Pedagogische Eros in Het Geding: Gustav Wyneken En De Pedagogische Vriendschap in De Freie Schulgemeinde Wickersdorf Tussen" 1906-1931. (University of Utrecht, 1988). "(The first full length study of the German pedagogic eros movement. An English-translation summary of the book is in: Paidika, Vol.1, No.12.)"
* Thijs Maasen. "Pädagogischere Eros: Gustav Wyneken und die Freie Schulgemeinde Wickersdorf". (1995)
* Thijs Maasen. "Man-Boy Friendships on Trial: On the Shift in the Discourse on Boy Love in the Early Twentieth Century". Journal of Homosexuality, Vol.20, No.1/2 1990. (Much discussion of the 'Pädagogischer Eros' movement and its influences).
* Richard Dougherty. "Eros, Youth Culture and Geist: The Ideology of Gustav Wyneken and its Influence Upon the German Youth Movement" (1978).
* Margarete Kohlenbach. "Walter Benjamin, Gustav Wyneken and the Jugendkulturbewegung". IN: "Counter-Cultures in Germany and Central Europe: From Sturm Und Drang to Baader-Meinhof" (2003).
* P. Utley. "Schism, Romanticism and Organization: "Anfang", January-August 1914." "Journal of Contemporary History" (1999).
* Anson Rabinbach. "Between Enlightenment and Apocalypse: Benjamin, Bloch and Modern German Jewish Messianism" IN: "New German Critique", No.34 (1985).
* John Lauritsen and David Thorstad. "The Early Homosexual Rights Movement, 1864-1935". (Second Edition revised)
* James D. Steakley. "The Early Homosexual Emancipation Movement in Germany". (1975).
* Sheila Cavanagh. "Upsetting Desires in the Classroom: School Sex Scandals and the Pedagogy of the Femme Fatale" IN: "Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society" Vol.9, No.3, (1994).
* McWilliam. "Beyond the Missionary Position: Teacher Desire and Radical Pedagogy" IN: Todd (Ed.) "Learning Desire: Perspectives on Pedagogy, Culture, and the Unsaid". Routledge (1994).ee also
Historical pederastic couples
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