HD 167965

HD 167965

Starbox begin
name=HD 167965cite web
title=Simbad Query Result | work=Simbad
accessdate=October 16
Starbox observe
ra=18h 15m 38.7771s
dec=+42° 9' 33.644"
Starbox character
u-b=-0.48 |
Starbox astrometry
p_error=0.48 |
Starbox catalog
names=HD 167965, HR 6845, BD+42°3035, SAO 47342, HIP 89482, GC 24936

HD 167965 is a 6th magnitude star in the constellation Lyra, approximately 540 light years from Earth. It is a bluish white subgiant star of the spectral type B7IV, meaning it has a surface temperature of 11,000 to 25,000 kelvins. It is larger and brighter than our Sun, and its surface is at least twice as hot.


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