- Palosebo
Palosebo or greased bamboo climbing is a traditional Filipino
game for 2 to 10 or more players. This game is usually played by boys during a townfiesta or on special occasions in the provinces of the Philippines. Long and straightbamboo poles are greased and polished to make them smooth and slippery. Before they are set upright, a small bag containing the prize is tied at the end of every pole. It usually contains money or toys. The contestants try to climb the poles to secure the prizes. Sometimes, a small flag is used instead of the actual prize. The actual prize will be given to the winner afterwards. Anyone who fails to reach the top is disqualified. The winner is the one who succeeds in reaching and untying the prize. [http://www.globalpinoy.com/ch/ch_category.php?category=pinoygames&name=Palo%20Sebo&table=ch_pinoygames&startpage=16&endpage=30 "Palo Sebo," Pinoy Games, Cultural Heritage, GlobalPinoy.com, 2006] ] [http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Tagalog/Filipino_Games/palo_sebo.htm Palo Sebo, Greased Bamboo Climbing] , SeaSite.niu.edu (undated)] [http://www.ncca.gov.ph/about_cultarts/articles.php?artcl_Id=10 Barbosa, Artemio C. Palosebo,12 Philippine Games, Traditional Games in the Philippines, Infocus, About Culture an Arts, National Commission for Culture and the Arts, August 15, 2003] , NCCA.gov.ph]References
* [http://ejournal.eduprojects.net/philippines/index.php?action%5B%5D=IArticleShow::showArticle(13596) Marsha's Encounter with the Little Prince] - a children's story that defines the palosebo game, EduProjects.net
* [http://www.ncca.gov.ph/about_cultarts/articles.php?artcl_Id=10 Barbosa, Artemio C. Palosebo,12 Philippine Games, Traditional Games in the Philippines, Infocus, About Culture an Arts, National Commission for Culture and the Arts, August 15, 2003] , NCCA.gov.ph
* [http://www.ncca.gov.ph/about_ncca/download/1st_komedya_press_kit.pdf Palosebo, Palaro (Game), Festival Components and Events, First National Komedya Festival] , NCCA.gov.phee also
Traditional Filipino games External links
=* [http://pub43.bravenet.com/photocenter/album.php?
] at
* [http://flickr.com/photos/jpnoche/450489785/in/set-72157600267995152/ Picture depicting the palosebo] atFlickr.com
* [http://www.sunstar.com.ph/blogs/pinoyoutlook/?p=142 Picture depicting the palosebo, "Kids play the ‘palo sebo’", Pinoy Outlook/Sun+Stars e-magazine] atSunstar.com andFlickr.com hort films
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNAeizO7duM&mode=related&search= Playing the palosebo] at
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYZfD6d7w9Y Playing the palosebo also] atYouTube.com Other related links
* [http://pinas.dlsu.edu.ph/culture/filipino_games.html Filipino games and other links] , from Pinoy Games, Pinas, DLSU-Manila (2002)::* [http://www.geocities.com/PicketFence/3441/games.html Philippine Games by Eric A. Gutierrez] , from Geocities.com:* [http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Tagalog/Filipino_Games/mga_larong_pilipino.htm Filipino Games] , SeaSite.niu.edu
* [http://www.seacresttradingco.com/new3177.html 100 Best Things of Being Pinoy, by Liborio G. Altarenos III (et al), Sea Crest Trading Company (2000) and Philippine Daily Inquirer (June 14, 1998)]
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