Honghuzi — (Idioma chino: 红胡子, literalmente Barbas Rojas ) Eran bandas de ladrones, bandidos en las áreas fronterizas entre China y Rusia: Sudeste de Siberia, Lejano Oriente ruso, y Noreste de china (por entonces llamado Manchuria). La palabra tiene… … Wikipedia Español
MANDCHOURIE — Le terme de Mandchourie, d’origine occidentale, n’a qu’un sens géographique: à savoir le quadrilatère nettement dessiné que délimitent à l’ouest les monts Khingan, au nord l’Amour, à l’est l’Oussouri et la frontière coréenne, au sud la péninsule… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Outlaw — Frank (right) and Jesse James (left) in 1872. The James brothers led a gang of outlaws in the Old West era. This article is about the legal concept. For other uses, see Outlaw (disambiguation). In historical legal systems, an outlaw is declared… … Wikipedia
Zhang Zuolin — This is a Chinese name; the family name is Zhang. Zhang Zuolin 張作霖 Generalissimo of the Military Government In office June 18, 1927 – June 4, 1928 … Wikipedia
Zhang Jinghui — Prime Minister of Manchukuo In office May 1935 – August 1945 Preceded by Zheng Xiaoxu … Wikipedia
Pacification of Manchukuo — Part of Second Sino Japanese War … Wikipedia
Shanlin — The term shanlin 山林 means literally mountain and forest in Chinese and was frequently used to describe bandits in Manchuria from the time of the Qing dynasty, because they knew the local wooded and mountainous terrain very well. Most operated in… … Wikipedia
Chinese in the Russian Revolution and in the Russian Civil War — There are a number of reports about the involvement of Chinese detachments in the Russian Revolution and Russian Civil War. Chinese served as bodyguards of Bolshevik functionaries,[1][2] served in the Cheka,[3 … Wikipedia
хунху́з — а, м. Участник вооруженных банд, действовавших в Маньчжурии с середины 19 в. до победы народной революции в Китае в 1949 г. [От кит. honghuzi краснобородые] … Малый академический словарь
Regimiento Chino del ejército rojo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Hay algunos informes sobre la implicación de los “destacamentos chinos en la Revolución Rusa de 1917 y en la guerra civil rusa”. Los chinos servían como guardaespaldas de los funcionarios bolcheviques,[1] [2]… … Wikipedia Español