

Monsun (foaled 1990) is a bay Thoroughbred racehorse and stallion bred in Germany by Gestut Isarland and owned by Baron Georg von Ullmann. He is a son of Germany's first triple crown winner and champion racehorse and sire Königsstuhl, a descendant of the very influerntial sire, Nearco.

Monsun was a very tough competitor who acted on both soft and firm ground and was trained by Heinz Jentzsch. He won 12 of his 23 races, including three Group 1 races (1993 Aral Pokal and 1993 and 1994 Europa Preis). He also finished second to then less-fancied stable companion Lando in the 1993 Deutsches Derby.

At stud, Monsun has proved a revelation and has sired several champion colts and fillies, all notably tough in the image of their sire. Like their sire, they tend to be slow-maturing types and sometimes continue to improve up to the age of five years. His sons Shirocco, 2005 German Horse of the Year and winner of the 2004 Deutsches Derby and 2005 Breeders' Cup Turf, and Manduro who was ranked #1 in the World Thoroughbred Racehorse Rankings for 2007, have set new standards for German thoroughbred racing.

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