HD 100546

HD 100546

Starbox begin
name = HD 100546
Starbox observe
epoch = J2000.0
constell = Musca
ra = RA|11|33|25.4408Cite web | title = SIMBAD Object query: HD 100546 | url = http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?protocol=html&Ident=HD+100546]
dec = DEC|-70|11|41.239
appmag_v = 6.698
Starbox character
class = B9Vne
Starbox detail
age = >10*10^6
luminosity =
Starbox astrometry
prop_mo_ra = -38.78
prop_mo_dec = -0.05
parallax = 9.67
p_error = 0.60
dist_ly = 337.3cite web | title = The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia | url = http://exoplanet.eu/star.php?st=HD+100546]
dist_pc = 103.4
absmag_v =
Starbox catalog
names = V* KR Mus, GC 15855, HIC 56379, SAO 251457, CD-69 893, GLMP 302, HIP 56379, SKY# 21912, CEL 3915, GSC 09229-02446, IRAS 11312-6955, TD1 15723, CPC 21.1 2046, HD 100546, PDS 340, TYC 9229-2446-1, CPD-69 1557, Hen 3-672, PPM 371156, uvby98 100100546

Planetbox begin
name = HD 100546 B
| Planetbox star
star = HD 100546
RA = RA|11|33|25.4408
DEC = DEC|-70|11|41.239
class = B9Vne
Planetbox character
mass = ~20
Planetbox orbit
semimajor = 6.5

HD 100546 is a star 337.3 LY from Earth. It is orbited by an approximately 20 Mj planet at 6.5 AU.Cite journal | title = Resolving the disk rotation of HD 97048 and HD 100546 in the [O I] 6300A line: evidence for a giant planet orbiting HD 100546 | last = Acke | first = B. | coauthors = van der Ancker; M. | journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics | date = November 2005 | volume = 449 | issue = 267 | url = http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0512562]

HD 100546 B

Evidence for a planetary companion to HD 100546 was gathered using the UVES echelle spectrograph at the VLT in Chile. This confirms other data indicating a planetary companion. The planets size puts it near the border between a giant planet and a brown dwarf.

Protoplanetary material

Spectroscopic analysis of mid-IR data taken from OSCIR on the 4 m Blanco Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory indicates the presence of a small particles (10 - 18 mu m) containing silicates.Cite journal | title = The Disk and Environment of the Herbig Be Star HD 100546 | first = C. A. | last = Grady | date = December 2001 | journal = The Astronomical Journal | volume = 122 | issue = 6 | pages = 3396–3406 | doi = 10.1086/324447 | url = http://www.iop.org/EJ/article/1538-3881/122/6/3396/201085.html] The material is found at distances out to 17 AU away from the star and has a temperature of approximately 227 K.

External links

* [http://zuserver2.star.ucl.ac.uk/~apod/apod/ap010502.html Astonomy picture of the day] - May 2, 2001

Further reading

*Cite journal | title = Catalog of Nearby Exoplanets | last = Butler | first = P. | coauthors = Wright, J.; Marcy, G.; Fischer, D.; Vogt, S.; Tinney, Ch.; Jones, H.; Carter, B.; Penny, A | journal = The Astrophysical Journal | volume = 646 | issue = 505 | pages = 505–522 | date = March 2006 | url = http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0607493 | doi = 10.1086/504701

*Cite journal | title = Kinematics of planet-host stars and their relation to dynamical streams in the solar neighbourhood | last = Ecuvillon | first = A. | coauthors = Israelian, G.; Pont, F.; Santos, N.; Mayor, M. | journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics | date = August 2006 | volume = 461 | issue = 171 | url = http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0608669

*Cite journal | title = Habitability of known exoplanetary systems based on measured stellar properties | last = Jones | first = B. | coauthors = Sleep, P.; Underwood, D. | journal = The Astrophysical Journal | date = June 2006 | volume = 649 | issue = 1010 | url = http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0603200

*Cite journal | title = Formation of Earth-like Planets During and After Giant Planet Migration | last = Mandell, A.; Raymond, S.; Sigurdsson, S | date = Sep 2006 | journal = The Astrophysical Journal | volume = 660 | issue = 823 | url = http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0609253

*Cite journal | title = Extrasolar planet taxonomy: a new statistical approach | last = Marchi | first = S. | date = May 2007 | journal = The Astrophysical Journal | volume = 666 | issue = 475 | url = http://arxiv.org/abs/0705.0910v1

*Cite journal | title = The Geneva-Copenhagen survey of the Solar neighbourhood. Ages, metallicities, and kinematic properties of ~14000 F and G dwarfs. | last = Nortdstrom, R.; Mayor, M.; Andersen, J.; Holmberg, J; Pont, F.; Jorgenson, B.; Olsen, E.; Udry, S.; Mowlavi, N | journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics | volume = 419 | issue = 989 | url = http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0405198

*Cite journal | title = The Circumstellar Dust Disk of HD 100546 | last = Hedrick | first = C. H. | coauthors = Doering, R.; Lee, K.-G.; Sosey, M.; Meixner, M.; Ardila, D. | journal = American Astronomical Society | date = January 2006 | volume = 37 | issue = 4 | url = http://www.aas.org/publications/baas/v37n4/aas207/1013.htm


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