

Valuegenesis is a research study into the faith and values of young people attending Seventh-day Adventist high schools in North America in the three areas of family, school and church. Major surveys were conducted in 1990 and 2000.


Valuegenesis began as one component of "Project Affirmation", a research study by the North American Division (United States and Canada) Office of Education into Adventist education.

The first study, "Valuegenesis1" (or simply Valuegenesis) began in 1989. In 1990, more than 13,000 students responded to a survey. Following the study, the Project Affirmation Taskforces gave recommendations for change, which they called "Imperatives for Action". It called for youth ministry resource centers to be established. The [ John H. Hancock Center for Youth Ministry] was formed.

In 1993, Steve Case criticised the lack of focus on youth of the church, despite the results of the studies. [ [ ValueGenesis: Is Anyone Listening?] by Steve Case]

Ten years after the first survey, in 2000, the follow-up study "Valuegenesis2" was conducted. More than 18,000 students responded from over 22,000 questionnaires sent out. According to reports by the researchers, students in the second study exhibited a greater faith maturity, yet spent less time reading the Bible.

Further studies are being conducted in Europe and other parts of the world.


Valuegenesis has also inspired other studies. A study known as "AVANCE" (Spanish for "advance") was conducted of Latino Adventists in the North American Division in 1993 and 1994.cite journal
last = Hernández
first = Edwin I.
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = The Browning of American Adventism
journal = Spectrum
volume = 25
issue = 2
pages = 29–50
publisher = Adventist Forums
location = Roseville, California
issn = 0890-0264
date = December 1995
url =
format = PDF
doi =
id =
accessdate = 2007-10-24
See also the [ editor's introduction] ] Edwin Hernández was the principal investigator of this study, which was a follow-up to Valuegenesis.

See also

* Seventh-day Adventist education


External links

* []
* [ John Hancock Center for Youth and Family Ministry] at La Sierra University
* cite journal
last = Gillespie
first = Bailey
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Adventist Schools DO Make a Difference!
journal = Journal of Adventist Education
volume =
issue =
pages = 12–16
publisher =
location =
date = October/November 2002
url =
doi =
id =
accessdate = 2007-10-14

* "New Valuegenesis report gives more insight into youth values" in "Adventist Review" 168. June 27, 1991, p. 6 (not yet online)
* " [ Have You Hugged Your Kids Today?] " by Gail Taylor Rice in "Spectrum" May 1992
* [ Search for "Valuegenesis"] articles cataloged in the Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index (SDAPI)

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