- 1820 in South Africa
"See also:"
1819 in South Africa ,
other events of 1820,1821 in South Africa and theTimeline of South African history .----
* The
Zulu kingShaka starts extending his kingdom, destroying other tribes along the way
* James Read produces first SeTswana book
*Andries Waterboer is elected theGriqua captain atGriquatown
*17 March - The first British settlers arrive inTable Bay ,Cape Town on the "Nautilus" and the "Chapman"
*1 May - The "Albury" reachesCape Town bringing settlers toAlbany, South Africa . They arrive inAlgoa Bay on15 May .
*2 May - "La Belle Alliance" reachesCape Town . She is bringing British settlers toAlgoa Bay .
* 4000 British settlers start arriving inAlgoa Bay (Port Elizabeth ), they settle inGrahamstown and along the frontier
* Port Elizabeth is named by Sir Rufane Donkin
* The settlement of Worcester is establishedBirths
* Sandile, a
Xhosa chief is born in theCiskei regionReferences
Timeline of South African history for list of References
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