HVC 127-41-330

HVC 127-41-330

HVC 127-41-330 is a "high velocity cloud" located at that galactic longitude, latitude, and velocity towards Earth. It is 20,000 light years in diameter and is located 2.3 million light years from Earth, between M31 and M33.cite paper |author = Josh Simon | coauthors = | title = Dark Matter in Dwarf Galaxies: Observational Tests of the Cold Dark Matter Paradigm on Small Scales | version = | publisher = | date = 2005 | url = http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~jsimon/thesis/jdsthesis.pdf | format = | accessdate = ] This cloud of neutral hydrogen (detectable via 21 cm H-I emissions), unlike other HVCs shows a rotational component and dark matter. 80% of the mass of the cloud is dark matter. It is also the first HVC discovered not associated with the Milky Way galaxy or subgroup (subcluster).

Astronomer Josh Simon considers it a candidate for being a dark galaxy. With its rotation, it may be a very low density dwarf galaxy of unused hydrogen (no stars), a remnant of the formation of the Local Group.

ee also

* Dark galaxy
* LSB galaxy


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