

infobox Korean name


Gache is a big wig worn by Korean women. Women of high social backgrounds and "gisaeng" wore wigs ("gache"). Like their western contemporaries Koreans considered bigger and heavier wigs to be more aesthetic. However, there is a record of an incident where a heavy gache wig actually killed a young 13 year old bride as the heavy wig broke her neck as she was getting up to greet her father in law entering the room. Also due to its costliness, some families took up to 6-7 years preparing a new gache wig for their new daughter-in-law. [무거운 '가체' 때문에 사망한 사람이 있다!]

Such was the women's frenzy for the gache that in 1788 King Jeongjo prohibited and banned, by royal decree, the use of gache, as they were deemed contrary to Confucian values of reserve and restraint [The Traditional Art of Beauty and Perfume in Ancient Korea by Guest Contributor Pauline] . In 19th century yangban women began to wear jokduri, a small hat that substituted gache. However gache still enjoyed vast popularity in gisaeng circles. Inclusive of its decorations, a gache usually weighs about 3 to 4 kg.


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*ko icon [ Brief information about gache]

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  • gâche — 1. (gâ ch ) s. f. 1°   Outil de maçon qui sert à détremper la chaux ou le plâtre. 2°   Sorte de spatule en bois qui sert aux pâtissiers pour manier leurs farces. HISTORIQUE    XIVe s. •   Jehan, qui estoit à un port de la riviere de Loire, print… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • gaché — (caló) 1 m. Entre gitanos, *andaluz. 2 (And. y difundido como andalucismo en otras regiones; pop.) *Hombre. ⊚ *Amante o *novio de una mujer. ⇒ Gachí, gachó. * * * gaché. (Voz caló). m. Entre los gitanos, andaluz (ǁ natural de Andalucía). || 2 …   Enciclopedia Universal

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