The Chronicles of Leinadia

The Chronicles of Leinadia

"The Chronicles of Leinadia" is a series of fantasy novels written by Dan Kilkelly.

Set in the fictional world of Leinadia, the books focus on a teenage elf named Flé and the war against the Wolf Tooth Clan, led by the powerful Necromancer Kongtarion, who has claimed one of the seven great swords that hold Leinadia in balance, Sonus the Red Destroyer.

Overall summary

Leinadia was created thousands of years ago by seven servants of God, known as the Guardians. Each controlled a certain aspect of the land, and together, they turned a wasteland into the perfect country. To keep the magics of the land strong, each placed their power into a sword. But the magic rich land attracted demons. God had moved on to creating other worlds, and so the Guardians had to face the endless monsters on their own. One of the Guardians, Kisonus the Dark Death Bringer, betrayed his fellow protectors and joined the demons, feeding on their power. But the demons betrayed him, and assaulted Leinadia. He shamefully returned to the Guardians, and they became seven again. Wielding their great swords, the seven fought back the hordes of demons and the demonking Daethkus, sealing them away in their own world. When it was all over, they six banished Kisonus. And so began the first age of Leinadia.

Book 1: Wrath of the Red Destroyer

This book begins with the main character Flé, a brown haired seventeen year old elf, searching for Kongtarion along the Kire Mountain Range. He holds the Blue Banisher, another of the seven swords, granted to him by the elf king Sunrus to defeat Kongtarion and return the Red Destroyer. Flé meets Kongtarion and a battle ensues, in which Flé is ultimately defeated, with a broken arm and a sword wound through the chest. Kongtarion attempts to take the Blue Banisher from him, stating that it is a threat to him, but he is stopped by the Paladins of Claw Sonus, who had been following him for days. He escapes on his Dragon, swearing to find Flé and kill him some day. The paladins do not notice Flé, and return to the city, leaving him to die on the mountains. The book begins with him beginning his journey to the nearby Llam village to find a healer.

Creatures of Leinadia

*Orcs Orcs are mountainous creatures created by Kire the White Life Bringer, one of the seven guardians. They have a silver blue skin that distinguishes them from most other races, as well as tusks from their mouths. They live in the mountains in the southwest corner of the country. Orcs are very skilled in weapon making.
*Ogres Ogres are a brother race to the Orcs, created by Kire as well. The live in several territories in the mountains across leinadia. They are taller and stronger than orcs, though not as skilled as them. Unlike the Orcs, Ogres are allies to the forces Leinadia.
*Sirens These creatures were created by D'nal the Blue Banisher, and live in the southeast corner of the country, in Lake Foroth. Not much is known about the race to humans, but they are hostile to most that venture into the lake. Sirens are skilled in certain magics.
*Elves Elves are known as one of the oldest and purest races. Created by Nalced the Green Creator, they are bestowed with a love of the forest and a duty to protect it. The laws of death, originally made to stop the mortal races from growing too powerful, were not applied to the elves because of their purity. Elves are powerful, adept at magic, and the swiftest of races. They live in the Ineme Forest, at the base of the Kire mountains.
*Dark Elves These creatures are Elves corrupted by dark magic, the magic Kisonus the Dark Death Bringer attained from the demons. Almost all of them have black hair, darker skin, and can turn invisible in dark, though their eyes glow red when they are invisible. They live in the Kisora Forest in the south. Also residents of the forests are Will-o-the-wisps, drifting spirits that present themselves as red balls of light, often mistaken for the eyes of Dark Elves.
*Goblins Created by Sonus the Red Destroyer, these massive brutes are the largest and strongest creatures in Leinadia, though what they have in strength, they lack in intelligence. They soon became a nuisance, killing other beings for the sport of it. Deeming them a failed creation, Sonus placed them near the massive tree Nalceddrassil, hoping that over time the magics of the Green Creator would change the goblins.
*Dwarves The next creation of Sonus, Dwarves were made to have some of the strength of Goblins while still maintaining intelligence. Dwarves are master smiths and use battle axes and flails in combat. The Dwarves are allies of the forces of Leinadia, though they do not fight under the command of anyone but themselves. Sometimes they will help humans in battles, but only if it is beneficial to them.
*Humans The last of the creations of Sonus was the human. Seeking the perfect creation, he combined the strength of the Dwarves and the Swiftness of the Elves to create humans. Humans are considered the dominant race of Leinadia, though only because they are the only ones that seek to control it.
*Centaurs Centaurs, created by Omena the Grey Summoner, were made with the body of a horse and the torso of an elf. Of all the races, centaurs are the most skilled in magic. They live in groups that claim territories on the plains.
*Dragons Dragons were created by Urik the Black Protector and D'nal the Blue Banisher, made to protect the inhabitants of the land and the seven swords.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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