Eloy Azorin

Eloy Azorin

Male adult bio

|birthname = Eloy José Arenas Azorín
birth = 19 February 1977
location = Madrid, Spain
height = 1.87 m
notable roles = "Juana la loca"
imdb = 0044376

Eloy Azorín (Madrid, 1977) is a Spanish film, theatre and television actor.


Born on the 19th of February, 1977 in Madrid, Spain, he is the son of the humourist Eloy Arenas.

Eloy's first film role was at the age of 19. He has continued to work extensively in television.

In 2006, he played the role of Borgia in the Spanish film "Los Borgia", by Miguel Hernández.



* "El año del diluvio", (The Year of the Flood) by Jaime Chávarri (2003)
* "Guerreros", (Warriors) by Daniel Calparsoro (2001)
* "Juana la loca", (Juana the Crazy) by Vicente Aranda (2001)
* "Cuba", by Pedro Carvajal (1999)
* "Aunque tú no lo sepas", (Even though you don't know) by J. Vicente Córdoba (1999)
* "Todo sobre mi madre", (All about my Mother) by Pedro Almodóvar (1999)
* "Atómica", (Atomic) by David Menkes and Alfonso Albacete (1998)
* "Como un relámpago", (As a Bolt of Lightning) by Miguel Hermoso (1996)


* "The Portrait of Dorian Grey"
* "Save yourselves, whoever is able"


*"Hospital Central"
*"Life in the Air"
*"What a Crazy Hairdresser"


* Ercilla Revelation Prize(2004)
* Best Actor in the Peñíscola International Comedy Film Festival for "Besos para todos".

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