- TP-82
The TP-82 pistol ( _ru. ТП-82) is a triple-barreled
Soviet firearm that was carried bycosmonaut s onspace mission s.It is intended as a
survival aid to be used after landings and before recovery in theSiberia n wilderness. The upper twosmoothbore barrels use 12.5 mm caliber ammunition, and the lower rifled barrel use 5.45 mm caliber ammunition. The pistol can be used for hunting, to defend against predators and for visual and auditorydistress signal s. The detachablebuttstock is also amachete sheath.TP-82s were carried regularly on Soviet and
Russia n space missions from 1986 to 2006. They were part of theSoyuz Portable Survival Kit (Носимый аварийный запас, "Nosimyi Avariynyi Zapas", NAZ). In 2007, the media reported that the remaining ammunition for the TP-82 had become unusable and that a regularautomatic pistol would be used on future missions.References
* [http://www.hunt4u.ru/tp-82.htm Technical data and image] on "hunt4a.ru"
* [http://suzymchale.com/kosmonavtka/soyfeature.html#survive Soyuz survival gear] on "suzymchale.com"
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