Lucius de Mello

Lucius de Mello

Lucius de Mello is a Brazilian journalist and writer. As a reporter, he worked for 14 years for television network Rede Globo. Lucius de Mello is also a researcher at LEER, the Laboratory of Ethnicity, Racism and Discrimination Studies at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil.


*"Um violino para os gatos (A Violin for the Cats)", short stories, 1995
*"Eny e o Grande Bordel Brasileiro (Eny and the Great Brazilian Bordello)", biography, 2002
*"A Travessia da Terra Vermelha – uma saga dos refugiados judeus no Brasil (The Crossing of the Red Land - the saga of Jewish refugees in Brazil)", historical novel, 2007

External links

* [ Article] from the Epoch Times introducing Lucius de Mello and "The Crossing of the Red Land"
* [ Article] from the Epoch Times, 'Crossing the Red Land': Part I
* [ Article] from the Epoch Times, 'Crossing the Red Land': Part II
* [ Article] from UOL News regarding "The Crossing of the Red Land" (in Portuguese)

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