Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria — Classification and external resources ICD 10 D59.5 ICD 9 283.2 … Wikipedia
hypertension — High blood pressure; transitory or sustained elevation of systemic arterial blood pressure to a level likely to induce cardiovascular damage or other adverse consequences. H. has been arbitrarily defined as a s … Medical dictionary
paroxysmal — Relating to or occurring in paroxysms. * * * par·ox·ys·mal .par ək siz məlalso pə .räk adj of, relating to, or marked by paroxysms <the hypertension may be either sustained or paroxysmal (D. A. Calhoun )(et al)> * * * par·ox·ys·mal… … Medical dictionary
hypertension — Synonyms and related words: abscess, ague, anemia, angina, angina pectoris, ankylosis, anoxia, aortic insufficiency, aortic stenosis, apnea, apoplectic stroke, apoplexy, arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis, asphyxiation, asthma, ataxia, atherosclerosis … Moby Thesaurus
Pulmonary hypertension — Pulmonary arterial hypertension Classification and external resources The pulmonary artery receives blood (blue arrow) from the right ventricle of the heart; increased pressure on the artery can impair the function of the right ventricle ICD … Wikipedia
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension — Classification and external resources For IIH to be diagnosed, brain scans (such as MRI) must be performed to ensure there is no underlying cause for the increased pressure around the brain ICD 10 … Wikipedia
autonomic hyperreflexia — paroxysmal hypertension, bradycardia, sweating of the forehead, severe headache, and gooseflesh due to distention of the bladder and rectum; it is associated with lesions above the outflow of the splanchnic nerves … Medical dictionary
Phäochromozytom — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 C74 Bösartige Neubildung der Nebenniere C74.1 Nebennierenmark D44 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pseudophäochromozytom — Als Pseudophäochromozytom (schwere paroxysmale arterielle Hypertonie) wird ein Syndrom bezeichnet, das gekennzeichnet ist durch anfallsweise auftretenden schweren Bluthochdruck und bei dem ein Phäochromozytom ausgeschlossen wurde. Das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
phentolamine mesylate — The same actions as phentolamine hydrochloride, for intravenous use only. * * * [USP] the methanesulfonate salt of phentolamine, having the same antiadrenergic actions as the base; administered intramuscularly or intravenously in the prophylaxis… … Medical dictionary