

Fanning can refer to:

* Tabuaeran, also known as Fanning Atoll or Fanning Island, one of the Line Islands of the central Pacific Ocean.
* Fanning (firearms), a revolver shooting technique in which one hand holds the revolver and the other hits the revolver hammer repeatedly for an increased rate of fire.
* Fanning friction factor, a dimensionless number used in fluid flow calculations.
* Fan Dancing, a dance art form with now takes both classic and more modern forms.
* Flagging Dancing, or flag dancing -- which includes the modern forms of Fan Dancing, Fanning, or Fan Spinning.

Among specific people:
* Dakota Fanning (b.1994), an American child actress.
* Elle Fanning (b. 1998), an American child actress and younger sister of Dakota.
* Edmund Fanning (1769-1841), an American explorer.
* Edmund Fanning (colonial administrator) (1739-1818), an American-born administrator for the British government in New York and Loyalist; later a governor in Canada.
* Juan Fanning (1824-1881), a Peruvian naval officer and war hero.
* Nathaniel Fanning (1755-1804), an American naval officer and war hero.
* Shawn Fanning (b. 1980), a computer programmer and creator of the original Napster application.
* Bernard Fanning (b. 1969), an Australian musician, best known for his role as the lead singer of the Australian rock band Powderfinger.
* Dave Fanning, an Irish television and radio personality.

ee also

* Fan

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  • Fanning — steht für eine Schichtung in der Erdatmosphäre, siehe Schichtungsstabilität der Erdatmosphäre eine Feuertechnik mit einem Revolver, bei dem durch wiederholtes Schlagen auf den Hahn mehrere Schüsse in schneller Folge abgegeben werden. Fanning ist… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Fanning — Fanning,   Shawn, US amerikanischer Programmierer und Unternehmensgründer, *Boston (Massachusetts, USA) 1981; als junger Informatikstudent programmierte Fanning im Januar 1999 die Grundlagen für die Musiktauschbörse Napster. Im Mai 1999 gründete… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Fanning — Fanning, einzelne Insel im Australocean, südlich von den Sandwichsinseln, 3°53 nördl. Br., 220° östl. Länge von F.; hat eine Lagune in der Mitte, viel Kokos, ist aber unbewohnt …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Fanning — Fan Fan, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fanned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Fanning}.] [Cf. OF. vanner, L. vannere. See {Fan}, n., {Van} a winnowing machine.] 1. To move as with a fan. [1913 Webster] The air . . . fanned with unnumbered plumes. Milton. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fanning — Tabuaeran Tabuaeran Fanning Image satellite de Tabuaeran. Géographie Pays …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Fanning — This interesting and unusual name is of medieval English origin and is a topographic surname for someone who lived in a low lying marshy area. The derivation is from the old English pre 7th Century foenn , which is the East Saxon form of the word …   Surnames reference

  • fanning — collective cooperative dairy pig poultry sheep state stock subsistence truck fanning …   Combinatory dictionary

  • fanning — fæn n. device that produces currents of air; follower, admirer, supporter v. ventilate; move or impel air; blow upon; stir into action as if by fanning (i.e. fire, emotions); spread like a fan; spread out …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Fanning — /ˈfænɪŋ/ (say faning) noun Mick (Michael Eugene Fanning, White Lightning ), born 1981, Australian surfboard rider; world champion 2007 and 2009 …  

  • fanning — noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English, winnowing of grain, from gerund of fannen to fan, winnow 1. : the act of one that fans 2. : an instance or product of fanning: as a …   Useful english dictionary

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