Hector Zagal

Hector Zagal

Hector Jesús Zagal Arreguín is a Mexican philosopher specializing in Aristotle. He has written books on ecology, ethics, Aristotle, gastronomy and literature. He obtained a PhD in Universidad de Navarra, with a dissertation on Aristotle's epagoge. He gained notoriety in the 2006 presidential election, as he wrote two books on two respective candidates.


- La epgaogé en Aristóteles (The epagogé in Aristotle): doctoral dissertation, a study and reinterpretation of Aristotle's term for induction.

-Ética para adolescentes posmodernos (ethic for postmodern teenagers): a highschool textbook for the subject of Ethics. Translated to german as Ethik für Junge Menschen (Ethic for young men).

- Horismos, syllogismos, asapheia: a book on the problem of obscurity in Aristotle.

- Gula y cultura (Gloutonry and culture): a gastronomical study of universal literature.

- “Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Historia Política y Personal del Jefe de Gobierno del Distrito Federal (Andres Manuel López Obrador, political history of mexico city's mayor): written with a then undergradute student majoring in politology (Alejandro Trelles) the book is a balanced account of López Obrador when he was the most probable candidate to win the presidency, published a year and a half before the election.

- Anatomía del PRI (Anatomy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party): also written with Trelles, the book analyses the major problems that the once official party has to solve in order to survive. - He frequently writes in the newspaper Reforma.


- He is presently affiliated with his alma mater, Universidad Panamericana.

- He is also a philosophy teacher in the economics oriented institut ITAM

- Because of his contributions as a scholar in ancient and medieval philosophy, he is a member of the mexican national system of investigation (SNI).


- Master in Pholosophy. UNAM.

- PhD in Philosophy, Universidad de Navarra.


Political Career:

- He presently works in the DIF, a dependency of the mexican federal government.

Intellectual Positions:

- He considers himself a social democrat, as stated in his weblog.

- As a writer, he is an open catholic.

- In newspaper columns, he has made himself known for comparing ancient greek culture with present situations or popular culture.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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