- Human fossil bones from the Muierii Cave and the Cioclovina Cave, Romania
:More information can be found in the Upper Paleolithic section of the article
Prehistoric Romania Thehuman fossil bone s remains from the Muierii Cave ("Peştera Muierilor ") dated to the age of 30,150 ± 800 years BP, and Cioclovina Cave, dated to the age of 29,000±700 years BP are among the most ancient early modern humans from theRomania n region. On the basis ofradiocarbon dating and also the analysis of the archaeological context one could advance primarily thehypothesis of the association of these bones with theAurignacian tehnocomplex. At the same time one mentions the possibility that these findings could belong to a certain regional facies from the SouthernCarpathia ns, from the period of the FinalMiddle Paleolithic and EarlyUpper Paleolithic , characterized by the coexistence of both final stage of the Quartzitic assemblage, and the tehnocomplex of Early Aurignacian.References
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