- Polypill
In medicine, the term Polypill has been coined to refer to a medication which contains a combination of active ingredients.
In an important and controversial article in the BMJ in 2003, Wald and Law proposed theconcept of a polypill combining 6 medications that are already on the market and have beenused for decades in order to reduce
cardiovascular disease . Wald and Law used an innovative analytic approach that combined the numerical results from severalhigh quality meta-analyses of the individual impact of these medications to produce anestimate of the overall combined effect of the proposed polypill onmorbidity and
mortality.So, the "polypill" is both
# an idea for a physical pill - to increase
adherence /compliance by reducing the number of pills that a person has to take, and
# a novel methodological approach - in a sense a numeric "meta-analysis of meta-analyses" to estimate the combined impact of several medications and / or interventions.Since then, there have been many articles written proposing other sorts of "polypills",and using methodology similar to Wald and Law's.
One of the most promising is a "polypill" for diabetes (and potentially for pre-diabetes).(See : Kuehn B. M. 2006. ""Polypill" Could Slash Diabetes Risks" JAMA. 2006;296:377-380.)
Wald and Law's "Polypill" Strategy to Reduce Cardiovascular disease by more than 80 %
In their paper "A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80%" (published in the
British Medical Journal ) onJune 28 ,2003 , Wald and Law postulated that by using a combination of well known, cheap medications in one pill (the "Polypill") would be a particularly effective treatment against cardiovascular disease. They presented astatistical model which suggested widespread use of the polypill could reduce mortality due toheart disease andstroke s by up to 80%. The treatment is potentially cheap, with few side effects (in perhaps 10-15% of recipients) and the research was based on data from many trials relating to the individual components.To date there have, however, been no actual patient research on the real benefits of the combined medications compared to the inferred benefits - calculated from the overwhelming evidence in favor of the polypill's individual components. The concepts they present are well recognised: reducing
blood pressure ,cholesterol and taking a low dose ofaspirin will help preventheart disease andstroke . Tests of the Wald and Law polypill have been recommended in 2005. Additionally, "polypills" are currently available in India.Any GP can currently prescribe ALL the components of the polypill separately for her/his patients. Unfortunately, the ingredients of the polypill are offpatent . Since this would make the polypill quite cheap (some estimates on the BMJ rapid responses were less than 70 pounds per year), there is little financial incentive for pharmaceutical companies to pay the high costs of a clinical trial. (Naturally, however, large insurers, ornational healthcare systems , may have considerable financial incentive to pay for such trials).Wald and Law has taken the unusual and novel perspective that everyone over the age of 55 should take a pill containing medications to manage these issues irrespective of individual risks. The idea is that if you reduce all blood pressures and cholesterols in all patients the population will benefit. Basically, the polypill could be used as a
default medicationfor all people over 55 (or for others with comparable risks).Currently, individual cardiovascular risk can be calculated based on 50 year longitudinal study (and still going) on the population of
Framingham, Massachusetts (theFramingham Heart Study ). The polypill takes a population based approach to management. The concept of "normal" and treatment thresholds becomes less relevant when taking a population based approach to disease control.Traditionally, the approach has been to treat only if certain risk thresholds have been reached.Paradoxically, even though an individual maybe not reach these traditional thresholds, benefit will still accrue by further reductions in blood pressure, cholesterol etc. This is because there is a sliding scale of risk; the concept of abnormal on one side of the line corresponding to high risk and requiring treatment, and normal on the other side, being low risk requiring no treatment is now under scrutiny.
Doctors will be treating population risk rather than individual risk factor thresholds as is current mainstream practice. So, if everyone was given the “Polypill” the average blood pressure and cholesterol levels within the population would fall, thus reducing overall population risk.
The "polypill" would contain 3 blood pressure medications at low dose:
*adiuretic , such asbendroflumethiazide ,
*abeta-blocker such asatenolol ,
*anACE inhibitor such asenalapril .This is combined with
*astatin such assimvastatin
*aspirin at a dose of 75mg
*folic acid Folic acid has been shown to reduce level of homocysteine in the blood which is another risk factor for heart disease.Further research is being planned and coordinated after an international forum recently discussed the concept of the “Polypill”.
Polypill for diabetes and Syndrome X
Diabetes - particularlyType II diabetes is a major cause of morbidity and mortality.Diabetes also contributes substantially to cardiovascular risk. Unfortunately, someof the ingredients in Wald and Law's original polypill may not be advisable for patientswith diabetes (for example :beta-blockers - which can lead to weight gain, andthiazide diuretics ). The polypill for diabetes includes :# A
Statin . To reduceLDL cholesterol and they also have recently been shown to haveanti-inflamatory properties.
# AnACE inhibitor (for blood pressure control AND to protect thekidneys ).
#Aspirin (antiplatelet and antiinflamatory properties), and
#Metformin - an excellent medication for diabetes that is also associated with weight loss.Many people who are overweight are diabetic without knowing it. Many additional peoplehave
pre diabetes and may benefit from active intervention. Overall, people whohave diabetes or prediabetes, high cholesterol and /or high blood pressure and are overweightare considered to havemetabolic syndrome X, and may benefit substantially from the Diabetes polypill.Perhaps, as the polypill strategy becomes widely adopted, people over 55 with a "normal"
body mass index or waist circumference will take the Wald and Law polypill, and the obese orsubstantially overweight will take the Diabetes / Syndrome X polypill.Cost Effectiveness
If Wald and Law's analysis is correct, major cost savings and productivity gains can beobtained from a polypill approach. Similarly, the Diabetes / Syndrome X polypill isestimated to save 100s of billions of dollars.
More importantly, the tremendous human cost of these devastating and underappreciatedchronic diseases can be substantially reduced. When a person has a stroke, it canruin his or her quality of life. It also places a major burden on carers.
Kidney failure anddialysis (common in end-stage diabetics) is also devastating.A health care system or major insurer - like
Kaiser Permanente - could do very well bothfinancially and on a human level - if they fully tested and introduced the polypills.Sources of resistance
Medical expertise and simplicity of treatment
If a polypill strategy works for a large percentage of the patient population,it may threaten some experts and specialists who might stand to lose financially (although no doubt most of these experts would be delighted by the human benefits,and would probably endorse it - despite any personal financial hardship that this mightcause them).
The polypill - being a simple "off-the-rack" default treatment - also reduces thesense of control and exercise of expertise that comes from prescribing individuallytailored medication regimens. Unfortunately, individually tailored approaches may bemore expensive and difficult and time consuming to access.
Lifestyle Modification and "punishing the sinners"
There are a large cohort of health professionals that advocate
lifestyle modification .It is true that if you stop smoking, exercise an hour or more a day, and eat a healthylow fat diet, that over time you can dramatically reduce your cardiovascular risk.Unfortunately, most people - in reality - find this far too difficult, unpleasant,invasive and intrusive to adhere to, and therefore can not - in reality - achieve andsustain these gains.
Furthermore, there is increasing evidence that even among individuals with healthlylifestyles, that some medications - like statins - can even further reduce one's cardiovascular risk.
It is - no doubt - best to remind patients about the benefits of lifestyle modificationsand encourage them to pursue them, but this does not justify delay of potentially highlybeneficial medications like the polypill. In practice, most people above 55 will not be ableto sustain sufficient lifestyle modifications, and will benefit from medications such as thosecontained in the polypill.
In a sense, overly strong devotion to the lifestyle modification approach impliesthat "sinners" (those who are unable or unwilling to dramatically alter their lifestyleand habits) should expect to suffer for their non-compliance. This does not seem tobe an appropriate way to deal with our fellow human beings who - like ourselves - aresometimes flawed and weak - but nevertheless deserve effective preventive care.
Naturally, individuals who prefer to first try a lifestyle modification approach shouldbe encouraged to do so. But they should also be reminded that many people do not succeedand that effective medical treatment is available.
Cardiovascular disease and diabetes are often asymptomatic until substantial irreversibledamage has been done. This makes a dogmatic "lifestyle modification" approach particularlydangerous because it may drive away patients from treatment.
Wald and Law's approach has generated substantial controversy and criticism.Some of the more original contributions in this regard have take the form of satire.One such article - which is quite well written - proposes - with tongue in cheek -a mixture of many different healthy food types. The authors have referred to thisas the
polymeal .References
*Wald and Law. 2003. "A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80%"
British Medical Journal on June 28, 2003.*Kuehn B. M. 2006. ""Polypill" Could Slash Diabetes Risks"
JAMA . 2006;296:377-380.* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2008/sep/29/health.medicalresearch "Tests start on pill that could lengthen millions of lives: Tablet aims to cut heart attack and stroke risk: Four-in-one drug could be sold for just $1 a month" Sarah Boseley, health editor "The Guardian", Monday September 29 2008.]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.